HGH Stack?? you like?


New member
Ok, i've read the majority of Iron Master's posts as well as Cycleon's, and numerous studies/textbooks on HGH/T3

This is the current plan, tell me if i have it right, or what i need to change.

Serostim GH - 3 iu/day, 7 days a week for 24 weeks
1 iu at 8 AM
1 iu at 12 PM
1 iu at 3 PM

Humulin R - 5-10 iu/postworkout, 4 on 3 off during the week, alternating every 4 weeks.
5-10 iu at 7 PM after training

T3 - 25-50 mcg/day - 6 weeks on, 6 weeks off throughout
taken in the morning on an empty stomach

Dbol - 10 mg/day at 8 AM

My overall goal is to lean out considerable while using the GH as a bridge for roughly 4 months. This is what i think is the best plan for incorporating all three, but let me know if you feel differently.


All in all, i have 504 iu of GH, 1000 iu of humilin R, and 300 25 mcg T3 tabs.
I don't know too much about using slin..

But CJ, I know a very good bro of mine who used 50mg dbol for 6 weeks while on 4iu's a day and fuck'n gained a nice amount of weight. Very little to NO BLOAT, and ultimately looked great.

In regards to the t3... personally, I would wait till about week 7 then do the typical 8 week pyramid up and down from .25 to 1mg a day back to .25 to get full benefits. The 25-50mcg's a day IMO might as well just increase the thyroid enough to get a little more active till your body gets used to it. I would never stay on longer then 8 weeks because like anything, your body will adjust.

I'd hate to see a good bro end up having to stay on t3, because the body decides it wants to just shut down thyroid production of t4 or t3, causing permanant dependency.

The GH for 4 months is always a good thing, no matter who you are. One hell of a bridge if you ask me. Ultimately however, if you plan on getting your 'axis' back in gear why even take the dbol at all?

(I haven't been on in a while and remember seeing a dbol bridge question a good while back). I would think that your axis won't drop at all even on low doses of anavar, let alone dbol.

either way, higher doses of dbol, along with your average dose of GH should produce nice results in itself... just my .02
Instead of the dbol.. look into winny along with some fina at variable times.
winny is 9 hours, and fina is over 24 hours i'm pretty sure. 9 hour halflife is enough to suppress the HPTA, except anavar of course.
I like the plan but I'd like to hear what some experienced users think about taking the GH 1 iu spread throughout the day as opposed to all at once. Also I noticed better fat burning results by taking my GH in the morning and then doing cardio on an empty stomach.
just to bump this .... i'm curious what your thoughts are CJ..

dbol as a bridge? I'd probably just use t3 for 8 weeks inbetween the 4 months... but definitely hit the HG hard, and if you're a slin user.. go for it. (i'm not disciplined enough to use slin)... i would definitely NOT use t3 for 4 months straight though..

... did you decide what you're doing? ..
I'm going to do:
GH at 4 iu/day 5 on, 2 off weeks 1-8
GH at 3 iu/day 5 on 2 off weeks 9-18
GH at 2 iu/day 5 on 2 off weeks 19-30

Slin at 5-10 iu/day weeks 1-4. 9-12, 17-20, 25-28 in a 4 on 3 off pattern most likely.
T3 at 12.5 mcg/day weeks 1-4, 9-12, 17-20, 25-28

I'll take the GH in 2 shots, 1 at 8:30 AM and 1 at 3:30 PM right before i train. The slin i'll shoot at 5:30 PM postworkout.

The t3 i'll take right before i go to sleep, but only while on slin. I might taper it down very slowly when i finally come off GH, just to regulate my metabolism.

I'm only going to do 10 mg/day of Dbol the first month or so, while i'm on clomid. Then i'll drop it and go for 100% recovery.

Well, that's the plan for now it seems.... and all injects will be SubQ
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Also, weeks 19-30 I'll be doing a light AS cycle along with the GH:

Test Prop (human grade amps) at 50 mg/day weeks 1-10
Anavar at 50 mg/day weeks 1-8
Winstrol at 30 mg/day weeks 9-12

This is all theory though, it'll probably change a lot.
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taking the T3 at night will keep you up. I could not sleep a wink when I took it at night. I changed it to first thing in the morning and got better results plus I was able to sleep at nights.