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  1. N

    Myostatin Inhibitor Log

    thanks man, appreciate the updates, will be following along, interested in the myopro, seems like the more cost effective of the two.
  2. N

    Myostatin Inhibitor Log

    just looking for an update, this would be your second week on the myopro correct? How does it compare? thanks for the info!
  3. N

    Myostatin Inhibitor Log

    I know you are taking both myostatin propeptide and follistatin, but for those on a budget, which one would you recommend? I see way more people taking follistatine, dont know if that means anything or not. thanks. By the way, nice changes for one week!
  4. N

    have you or do you shoot up at the gym?

    disposable wipes container, will ahve to look into it. Yes all I would need would be something big enough for a couple preloaded slin pins, and the alcohol wipes. I just want something I can put in my pocket, take in a stall, do my business, hit the gym, then repeat on the way out. thanks fellas
  5. N

    have you or do you shoot up at the gym?

    anyone else? We have fridge at work, there is individual stalls at gym for pre/post wkout usage, looking for ideas on what to store it in inside of lunch sack so that I can just slip into pants pocket and take to gym and then just use there and not look overly conspicuous.
  6. N

    have you or do you shoot up at the gym?

    for those that do, what do you carry your darts in? I am assuming loaded igf or hgh pins, I am sure many have done this, for those who workout on lunch break, any pre or post wkout protocal would demand that a shot be done at gym or at work.
  7. N

    Who is running myostatin blockers

    saudades, that picture you posted fairly reently where you said you were basically only on hrt and wondered if the stuff you took changed you was impressive change, and the fact it was a long time after cessation was even more impressive. I know this stuff is not the same as what you took, but...
  8. N

    GRHP-6 and CJC

    thanks for the info, yes the cjc appears to be almost double the cost of the ghrps, though still not bad, but if the $$ could be spent on other things and still get a nice gh boost from the ghrp alone that would be cool. Problem with these peps is that they seem to have a great range of effect...
  9. N

    GRHP-6 and CJC

    did you notice much more using the ghrp withthe cjc? I know it was 2 by itself and 6 with the cjc, but still interested. Out of the combo, the grf is definitely the more expensive of the two, as either ghrp is pretty economical now. I have also read somewhere else that another user, in their...
  10. N

    The best way to apply ??

    do any of you get any hypo feelings taking ghrp-2 or 6 and grf 1-29? havent taken yet, but have read where some get this, just wondering if it is common, or couldhave been other things they were taking. thanks.
  11. N

    Strange Feeling after MGF

    yes, it is also called P-GH, pretty good stuff from what I hear, but those sides which you guys are mentioning are very common with it. I have never heard of them with PEG MGF though. I just finished 8 weeks of pmgf and went up to 1.5 mgs per week and had no wierd sides, but did have nice...
  12. N

    Strange Feeling after MGF

    that sounds like the side from tyric-6, not peg mgf
  13. N

    PEGylated Mechano Growth Factor

    I am just getting ready to finish up 9 weeks of PEG MGF. I used a few different doses, but basically in the 1.25-1.5 mgs per week, and a couple different dosage schedules, Mon- Fri, and Mon- Wed- Fri. When I do it again I will go 500 mcg Mon, Wed, and Fri, as this seemed the most effective...
  14. N

    IGF Question

    thanks for the replies, I had thought about drinking some oj post application, 1-2 servings followed by some whole wheat bread, or oatmeal. Just wondering what would be the best timing, the oj immediately after application, then 30-45 minutes later oatmeal? I am not worried about carbs as I do...
  15. N

    IGF Question

    started the igf, had a question about nutrition with this, specifically carbs, post application. I notice about 30-60 minutes after applying I get a little weak, and feeling kind of hot or flushed. What type of nutrition should I be taking in to make this not happen, as due to my schedule I...
  16. N

    Standing Military Press

    I do standing behind the neck, I agree, great exercise, I credit most of my shoulder develpment to them. they can be a little dangerous, as I have strained parts of my back doing them so I sometimes have to back off the weight, but definitely a constant in my shoulder routine.
  17. N

    PEGylated Mechano Growth Factor

    I believe legal in the same way as IGF. Also, I have heard from a number of vets that 750 mcg per week is minimum and 1 mg+ is where the gains really begin, and have heard of people going up to 2mgs per week. Most of the first hand accounts I read had average results, but the doses were in the...
  18. N

    IGF-1 on a cutting cycle?

    Good luck!, I too wish I had the conditioning of a few years ago, but with the added size I have now.
  19. N

    IGF-1 on a cutting cycle?

    I would make sure to keep your protein high, and consume the bulk of your carbs around your lr3 application, and not cut cals as much as you would without igf. Though short term body recomp is great, and I too hope to achieve some of that with igf, the real benefit is to increase muscle cells...