GRHP-6 and CJC


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
I've got some GRHP-6 and CJC-1295 w/o DAC on the way.

I was wondering how someone would incorporate using it when:

A. Im already using slin/igf pre w/o
B. I don't want to apply these peptides more than once per day.

I've seen the posts on here about how using it 3x a day is considered "best", but the most I could do is once in the morning and once before bed. And using before bed is counterproductive to natural GH release, right?

I was thinking just use both first thing in the morning.
Is it preferred taken on empty stomach?
And should I take them together, or 30min. apart, or what?

Just wondering ya'll's thoughts on what ya'll would do in my shoes.

If you only want to use it once per day then I would recommend that you do it pre-bed and wait 20 min. before ingesting anything such as a slow acting protein source if you do so.

Also NO fat sources with this pre-bed meal if you have one, it blunts the resulting GH release.

You will get the most out of it this way as your body produces it's longest and largest GH pulse during normal sleep hours. That's considering you are in bed no later than midnight...?

Hope this helps

PS: it is "not" counter productive to your natural GH release. In fact the GHRH/GHRP will "amplify" your natural pulse! Also, draw them in the same slin pin and pin them simultaneously with an empty stomach.
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is this stuff known to numb your hands like GH does?

and i toss and turn all night when i take this before bed. is restlesness another known side effect?
is this stuff known to numb your hands like GH does?

and i toss and turn all night when i take this before bed. is restlesness another known side effect?

GHRP6 causes interruptions in sleep. GHRP2 is more potent and doesn't have these effects. When using CJC and GHRP my hands went numb and swelled.
GHRP6 causes interruptions in sleep. GHRP2 is more potent and doesn't have these effects. When using CJC and GHRP my hands went numb and swelled.

I've heard this about ghrp2 also and plan on using it next for the next few months as I've been on ghrp6 for some time now. I haven't had any sleep interruptions with it though? Perhaps I've been fortunate in that regard then?

I do like how hungry it makes me though, especially since I've been trying to bulk for awhile now.
If am and pm is the best u can do, go with that. This isnt gh so it wont harm ur natural gh production if dosed pm.
I've got some GRHP-6 and CJC-1295 w/o DAC on the way.

I was wondering how someone would incorporate using it when:

A. Im already using slin/igf pre w/o
B. I don't want to apply these peptides more than once per day.

I've seen the posts on here about how using it 3x a day is considered "best", but the most I could do is once in the morning and once before bed. And using before bed is counterproductive to natural GH release, right?

I was thinking just use both first thing in the morning.
Is it preferred taken on empty stomach?
And should I take them together, or 30min. apart, or what?

Just wondering ya'll's thoughts on what ya'll would do in my shoes.

I messed around with GHRP-6, GHRP-2 and GRF 1-29 for over a year before I found out how they worked for me. 200 ug before bed of either of the GHRPs work good for leaning out and maybe a little added boost in muscle growth. DAT's 3x a day just made me eat all the time and get fat. Completely washed out all the positive effects for me. You might be able to add the GRF with the nightly dose. Haven't really figured out how to made that work in addition to the GHRPs. The GHRPs work pretty well though. In my case it was cutting the dose not increasing it that let me find the right dose.
I've tried the GHRP-2 by itself and now the GHRP-6 with CJC w/o DAC.

Neither of the GHRP's did anything to increase my appetite. Absolutely nothing.
If am and pm is the best u can do, go with that. This isnt gh so it wont harm ur natural gh production if dosed pm.

it would be difficult, but I could dose it twice day (am and pm) if possible. But would gains be dramatically different from using it once a day in the PM?
I've tried the GHRP-2 by itself and now the GHRP-6 with CJC w/o DAC.

Neither of the GHRP's did anything to increase my appetite. Absolutely nothing.

did you notice much more using the ghrp withthe cjc? I know it was 2 by itself and 6 with the cjc, but still interested. Out of the combo, the grf is definitely the more expensive of the two, as either ghrp is pretty economical now. I have also read somewhere else that another user, in their opinion, did not get the boost in effects that justified the extra cost. They said if they did again, they would only use the ghrp.

did you notice much more using the ghrp withthe cjc? I know it was 2 by itself and 6 with the cjc, but still interested. Out of the combo, the grf is definitely the more expensive of the two, as either ghrp is pretty economical now. I have also read somewhere else that another user, in their opinion, did not get the boost in effects that justified the extra cost. They said if they did again, they would only use the ghrp.


the cjc actually costs more cause it comes in 2mg vs. 5mg in ghrp. i cant comment on results cause i just started it.
GHRP6 causes interruptions in sleep. GHRP2 is more potent and doesn't have these effects. When using CJC and GHRP my hands went numb and swelled.
Funny how everyone is different..on GHRP2 I slept like shit, gave me insomina if I dosed before bed...It make me INSANLY hungry too.
GHRP6 I do not get hungry on at all but I sleep like a log...I used both with CJC w/o Dac and Mod GRF-129.
My hands, wrists and jaw felt pumped and swollen for probaly the first 3 weeks then the sides subsided..kinda liked it though..
the cjc actually costs more cause it comes in 2mg vs. 5mg in ghrp. i cant comment on results cause i just started it.

thanks for the info, yes the cjc appears to be almost double the cost of the ghrps, though still not bad, but if the $$ could be spent on other things and still get a nice gh boost from the ghrp alone that would be cool. Problem with these peps is that they seem to have a great range of effect on people than straight gh or aas, I mean some love peps, other say they are worthless, and the people can be using the same thing from the same company.
ok, a couple of weeks in with just 1x daily dosing. This is what I've noticed, although not 100% sure it's all contributed to peptides solely.

1. Hitting PR's on almost every major lift. I do DC training and just took the 2 weeks "off" of heavy training but came back even stronger.
2. Hunger/appetite is pretty high - perhaps this is due to the GHRP. It never made me hungry before but after not missing dosages it seems to be kicking in. We got snowed in yesterday and I sat home and cleaned out my kitchen eating all day. Couldnt even get a pizza delivered.
3. I am having a hard time even holding my bodyweight, despite PR's being hit every workout this week. I think its from the fat burning effects of the peptides. I'm eating a little more everyday to try to hold my weight but it's a challenge. I'm seeing more definition too, despite not even dieting, so the weight lost has to be fat.

All in all, great results for only using it 1x daily. I haven't even gone thru one bottle of each peptide yet.
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Dose is 100mcg of each once daily. Using it post cycle now so we'll see how effective it is for keeping gains post cycle.