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  1. Loch Ness

    Good Luck Skip!

    give them hell buddy, oh yeah good luck:D
  2. Loch Ness

    Who here is planning on using IGF Long R Shortly

    would like to run post cycle in about 8wks. May need some guidance though.
  3. Loch Ness

    Crystals in the bottom of my cyp?

    I have a bottle of upjohn test cyp that has been laying around and now has crystals in the bottom of it. If I heat up the bottle will they dissipate? Anyone else had this happen?
  4. Loch Ness

    What is your fav. meal while dieting?

    eggwhites and oatmeal.
  5. Loch Ness


    Well, I'm sure you have thought of ephedra products or a simple cup of coffee. Sometimes when feeling very run down after a long day it may be due to not getting enough water. Personally I like a very complex carb thirty minutes before a workout. Yams, brown rice, oatmeal ect... If not...
  6. Loch Ness

    who else got....

    he got me too
  7. Loch Ness

    Our Mods Are.............

    No doubt the best. They really helped me get some stuff straightened.
  8. Loch Ness

    Getting Pinz

    thats the addy I used made my order, but the form would not submit. I hope it is not charging me without telling me.
  9. Loch Ness


    I use raw brocollii and asparagus. Both low carb
  10. Loch Ness

    Getting Pinz

    I need a new place to get pinz. Reliable and fast. For some reason i cant check out on GPZ services site.
  11. Loch Ness

    A great read on HGH

    good one
  12. Loch Ness

    How tall is Greg Kovacs?

    Anyone else remembered when he finally did a pro show and walked off during prejudging? Muscletech's wonder boy was a wonder flop. Still a man that big has done some serious training.
  13. Loch Ness

    Shortness of breath??

    yeah, I've gotten close to the same thing. It will scare the crap out of you, but then goes away. Its a real eye opener.
  14. Loch Ness


    hour and a half at most, in the afternoon. Cardio first thing in the morning.
  15. Loch Ness

    Side Effects, make sure you're educated!

    Good to see that rash down there is just from the drugs and not that nasty chick the other night. (J/K) :D
  16. Loch Ness

    D-bol and Diet

    Dont know if if will ever find the article, but the basic component was talking about keeping a very low sodium diet will reduce the water retention when combined with suffiecient anti-e's.
  17. Loch Ness

    D-bol and Diet

    never tried it, but some people think that all AAS that cause water retention can be controled with diet and anti-estrogens alone. Even when dieting.
  18. Loch Ness

    cyber rights

    ask weird Al, seems to have it down.
  19. Loch Ness

    What does everyone do...

    I dont worry too much about reps or weights, when I leave the gym if my legs wont let me walk, my back wont hold me up, or my arms can only hang by my sides, then I have accomplished my goal.