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  1. Loch Ness

    Staples in your prep.

    What do you guys always like to use in preparing for a contest. Not just drugs, but supps and any other personal twists.
  2. Loch Ness

    Adding B12 to my prop

    Doing 1.5ml injections and wondering if .5ml is sufficient or go with 1ml to help with this aweful pain
  3. Loch Ness


    try hanging leg raises, keep legs straight and use strict slow form
  4. Loch Ness

    new cycle update

    sounds good, hope everything turns out the way you want it to
  5. Loch Ness

    Summer Cycle Diet Layout

    To truely cut unless you are uncommonly blessed you need to eat whole food. Carbs are most important first thing in the morning and directly after your workout. The rest of the time you can do low carbs.
  6. Loch Ness

    Who's done fina and EQ together?

    I ran fina with prop and EQ, but the prop and EQ were very poor quality. I got fina dick!!! I might of had sex three times during the three months i was on it. My diet was only whole food. Extremely clean. Weight stayed the same while body fat dropped 6%.
  7. Loch Ness


    That sucks, hopes he gets his
  8. Loch Ness

    I think I hit an artery today

    I've never shot it out that far, but had it run all the way down my leg before I even noticed.
  9. Loch Ness

    Do you think this fucker took roids?

    looks pretty natural to me. Just in really good shape, plus probably has years of training under his belt by the look of the muscle maturity
  10. Loch Ness

    Back to back contests?

    How do you go about your diet when you have contests one week after the other. Also if you had 6 weeks in between contests do you stay on AS for that whole time?
  11. Loch Ness

    EOD injections

    Want to get in 500mg/wk of test prop. Is is correct to do 1.25ml eod or would it be 1.5 eod. Its early and I'm thinking way too much. Oh yeah the prop is 100mg/ml.
  12. Loch Ness

    Anadrol- snake or dragon???

    Holy shit I'm drooling
  13. Loch Ness

    Preperation-H for bodybuilders...

    Anyone ever heard of using this on lower abs and back before a contest? this one guy used to do that then wrap himself in plastic wrap. Anyone know how to get the Canadian Brand?
  14. Loch Ness

    I need help

    you need more years of training and eating proper under your belt. Do not rush into this, get to know your body and grow naturally. Even when you hit plateaus just try to find other ways to get through them
  15. Loch Ness


    Did they put the name of what you are getting on the address label? Too bad I had clen written above my name and had to go pick it up at the post office
  16. Loch Ness

    what do you know about Russian sust

    sorry no help here, but Ill bump
  17. Loch Ness

    Planning my cutter

    I would also like to know how you plan to do the clen and T3
  18. Loch Ness

    Hey all

    I second that, good luck to everyone and just know that when the diet is getting tuff there is someone else going through the same thing with the intention of beating you at your show. MOTIVATION!!