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  1. Loch Ness

    T3 and clen cycle

    this is what I came up with from the reading of all the different articles. This is my first time so longer ramp up 6 days: 50mcg 4 days: 100mcg 10 days: 75,75,50,50,25,25,25,12.5,12.5,12.5 Clean run at 60-100 mcg ed should I keep the T3 lower? I may have screwed up, can it go over 50 mcg when...
  2. Loch Ness

    Clen or T3

    Want to use one or the other early out. I thought about a short (20 day) cycle of T3 or simply take small doses for some time. What is your fav?
  3. Loch Ness

    Few pics before prejudging

    Just my 2 cents I did the same after my contest and wished I had slowly increased the cals. I put on 30+lbs. in a few weeks got way bloated you will always have time to bulk up. By the way congrats, you are totally ripped.
  4. Loch Ness

    Cutting Cycle

    I can definetly get the prop. and winny Last time I used fina in contest prep m girlfriend about broke up with me because I had no sex drive (she's a keeper):)
  5. Loch Ness

    Cutting Cycle

    I would like to do eq, but last time got hit with fakes. the reason for the decca is all of this is through scripts.
  6. Loch Ness

    Cutting Cycle

    I am getting ready for 2nd contest. Big competition. Thought about this wks 1-10 cyp400mg/wk dec300mg/wk wks 1-6 anadrol 25mg/ed wks 10-14 winstrol 50mg/eod Need to know if anavar or halo would help. Contest in 15th week
  7. Loch Ness

    When you all say do 40 minutes of cardio twice a day for a show.............?

    I did 45 min of cardio 2x day at 3 wks out. I did 20 treadmill 25 bike, low intensity. Last week before contest no cardio. I worked great for me.
  8. Loch Ness

    What supps. do you take while "off"?

    Just wondering what bros use to help keep making gains while off. I need to put on some serious size, but have another two months till I start a mass cycle. What do you stand by (supp.)?
  9. Loch Ness

    26lbs. in 10 days need help!

    Cut out all drugs at 4wks. out. only taking liquidex right now (12drops). Thanks for all the support and prayers.
  10. Loch Ness

    26lbs. in 10 days need help!

    I just competed in my first contest and took the heavyweight and overall in my division. Then the next day found out my brother died. Went home for a week and could'nt work out and ate way too much. Now 26lbs. later my ankles are swolen and I feel like a balloon. I cleaned the diet back up...
  11. Loch Ness

    3wks. out and still holding water, need advice!

    Dropped the test and eq about week and a half ago. Should I add in nolva or up l-dex to 12 drops? Will an diuretic like taraxatone work good enough or should I use a real med. Thanks for the advice Loch Ness
  12. Loch Ness

    Which ALA is better?

    I've tried both and liked the 500 much more.
  13. Loch Ness

    Zambon winny users...

    need some help, got the amps just wondering if I need to shake up first or let settle seems to be some solid particles. Is this gonna hurt? For first time should I try the glute or delt?
  14. Loch Ness

    NO2, bullshit?

    Okay in the effort to try and look my best for my show a supplement distributor told me this new NO2 (hemodilator) convinced me it would be great to take 3wks. out to really get good pumps. The main ingredient is arginine so I can't see how it would be some really great vasodilator. Let me...
  15. Loch Ness

    back on, met Orvile Burke

    I moved and getting the net was a bitch. Went to a show and got to talk to Orvile Burke. He's a nice guy and the size of a house. He was 286 5'9''. He had looked to struggle through his posing routine. He said he was at about 7%. His back is so wide its sick. Anyway it good to be back.
  16. Loch Ness

    Best tasting protien

    Met-rx ultra is the shit. The chocolate tastes great, but expensive.
  17. Loch Ness

    Anyone else suffering from dieting?

    Dont remind me. I was doing good convincing myself the only food that exist are chicken, tuna, brocolli, egg whites, oatmeal, and sweet potatoes. I never eat fast-food but I'll be damned if those f**cking Mc Donald's brownie sundaes don't look damn nice.
  18. Loch Ness

    What stacks well with Primo?

    I know its very weak, but I like the idea that you can keep the gains well and the price does'nt seem that bad. Just curious.
  19. Loch Ness

    Anyone else suffering from dieting?

    Well finally my 100th post. I was just wondering if anyone else is suffering from dieting. I'm having some really bad cravings here. Is the sugar alcohol in sugar free gum bad. Its about the only thing I use to help battle cravings. I might try some cinnamon sticks, seems to work for smokers...
  20. Loch Ness

    which is better: Liquidex or Nolvadex?

    I've only done liquidex, but I love it. I might try some nolva on next cycle.