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  1. Muscle-Depot

    muscle depot powder review

    Many thanks! Really appreciate it! MD
  2. Muscle-Depot

    Muscle-Depot Reviews

    Yes, mail is very slow now... Thanks, MD
  3. Muscle-Depot

    muscle depot powder review

    Yes, mail is very slow now... Thanks, MD
  4. Muscle-Depot

    Anyone ever have a package get stopped by customs?

    I think there is still a chance that it will come Ok, i hope so.
  5. Muscle-Depot

    Anyone ever have a package get stopped by customs?

    Where was it sent from? December was a horrible month for shipping, almost every order was delayed in mail and some orders are still in mail since December, so i think that it is just a mail delay and it will show up Ok. Anyway, it is just Nolva, you will not get in any trouble anyway :)...
  6. Muscle-Depot

    who would do this..

    That's an old Top Gear Special in USA, very funny :-) Later they had another one in US and were warned by US authorities not to joke about americans :-) LOL Thanks, MD
  7. Muscle-Depot

    Muscle-Depot Reviews

    I can describe it all to you myself and send you pictures of any powder you want to see :-) They really have some strong features and i can also tell what powders it is just by look and smell :-) P.S.: Happy New Year !!!! Thanks, MD
  8. Muscle-Depot

    muscle depot powder review

    I can describe it all to you myself and send you pictures of any powder you want to see :-) They really have some strong features and i can also tell what powders it is just by look and smell :-) P.S.: Happy New Year !!!! Thanks, MD
  9. Muscle-Depot

    Eq ??

    It is possible to make Bold at very high concentration, cause it is not prone to crash at all, but it is also very soft to inject and no pain at all. I pined 2ml at a time and it is absolutely fine, the same as 1ml :-) If you do 2ml (200mg/ml) twice a week you will get 800mg/week total...
  10. Muscle-Depot

    Eq ??

    It is Undecylenate ester, very long one :-) I meant that peak level after single shot is reached in about 3-4 days (which is pretty long :-), but of course overall hormone background peak level is reached in about 4 weeks on Bold.
  11. Muscle-Depot


    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! May your Christmas Day be filled with sweet smiles, sweet moments, and sweet memories! May every day of the New Year glow with good cheer and happiness for you and your family! Wish you all the best for the New 2014 Year! :sport: Kind Regards, Muscle-Depot
  12. Muscle-Depot

    Please help... advice needed

    I think you can start taking Nolvadex during a cycle only when you feel any sides from estrogen, cause estrogen is a significant factor during bulking cycles and you want to keep it as high as you can without sides, so just keep Nolva in hands in case you feel any gyno, but don't take it...
  13. Muscle-Depot

    Eq ??

    That's my favorite compound, i'm on it right now at 400mg p/w (i'm using Boldoject from EC) :-) Peak level in blood is reached in 3-4 days after injection. From what i've heard people get different response from it, some need 400mg weekly and some 1000mg, but still it is very comfortable...
  14. Muscle-Depot

    I really hate Western Union

    There is a nice payment system called RIA, they work like WU and MoneyGram, but they do not have any local agents in US, only in Europe, but they do accept online payments from US customers via credit cards and bank accounts. Works smooth, you just have to register and verify yourself and send...
  15. Muscle-Depot

    New Batch Of Testosterone Propionate Crashing

    150mg/ml is pretty high for Test Prop, if it is Ok with you to bring it down to 100mg/ml i think it will not crash. Thanks, MD
  16. Muscle-Depot

    Muscle-Depot Reviews

    I think nobody from here bought Primo powder, but i can assure you it is top quality. Also i can offer discount on it as it is very expensive. Thanks, MD
  17. Muscle-Depot

    muscle depot powder review

    I think nobody from here bought Primo powder, but i can assure you it is top quality. Also i can offer discount on it as it is very expensive. Thanks, MD
  18. Muscle-Depot

    MUSCLE-DEPOT Promo still going

    Guys, this promo is over. At the moment i don't run any promos. Thanks, MD
  19. Muscle-Depot

    got some crystalized cyp.

    One customer reported pain after injection, but the rest say that it is painless (regular level of pain), so i don't know if there is anything to do with powder or recipe... Thanks, MD
  20. Muscle-Depot

    got some crystalized cyp.

    I'm know sure about pain issue, actually BA might add some pain during injection, but it must solve crystalization issue, it is pretty common with Cypionate. Thanks, MD