New Batch Of Testosterone Propionate Crashing


New member
I have a batch of Test P I brewed at 150mg/ml
I used the standard 2%BA 20%BB recipe
I let is cool in a beaker and it has crashed
I knew this was a possibiity so I did not filter it as of yet
Now my question is can I add BB or maybe guaiacol to the
crashed test P and re-heat it to save the batch or is it just bad?
Never in my life have I seen Prop crash that quick. Try to heat it again at 250 for 12 minutes, pull out, stir, filter and cap.20% BB is enough, adding more of whatever for one probably wont help and two lowers the mg per cc of course. I hate to hear it man, I know the feeling bro.

And for the record, heating it more will not affect anything as far as degrading the raws.
Don't ever throw the gear away bro if it crashes. If it continues to crash just stick in the micro wave for 30 seconds, shake and shoot. Kinda ghetto way I know but like other guy said your not harming the hormone by heating up every time.
may have not been clear but its like 1 liter of un-filtered test P I totally know that I can heat up crashed gear but I wanted to know if there is something I can do at this stage to prevent crashing before I filter and cap it
I think I need to make it a little clear it has been sitting for about a week in a covered beaker because I though I have one more filter left but i was mistaken
durring that time it crashed. My filter arrived today
Ought damn, 1litter?? Farming some gear out iz you? Send me a 100mls of that crashed gear ill fix that right fer ya ;0)
give it a woopfer :0)
Sitting is what made it crash bro. It needs to be sealed up air tight. Doesnt crash every time but it is common. Ive seen vials not crimped properly crash and I just take to cap and stopper off, re-heat and cap properly and its fine so its the exposure to ambient air that made it crash...
150mg/ml is pretty high for Test Prop, if it is Ok with you to bring it down to 100mg/ml i think it will not crash.

I used GSO
So I re-heated, filtered, bottled and capped. But I have like 3 vials that looks like they have bubbles suspended in it. Like as if the oil seperated
the seperate oil if you will also sticks to the side of the vials not crashed but still not looking right. Its just these last 3 vials.
A litte help here guys
the bubbles may condensation of some sort. I dont think its anything to worry about, I would pin the shit out of it... Im glad the simple way worked for you. Never give up on a blend, just work with it a little before trashing it..
You will have to add in EO at that mg for it to hold, if you do not have access to good EO you can use castrol oil for the carrier.

I have a batch of Test P I brewed at 150mg/ml
I used the standard 2%BA 20%BB recipe
I let is cool in a beaker and it has crashed
I knew this was a possibiity so I did not filter it as of yet
Now my question is can I add BB or maybe guaiacol to the
crashed test P and re-heat it to save the batch or is it just bad?