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  1. I

    Bet riddles

    Like the guy holding four aces or a royal flush and pushing all his chips in.
  2. I

    Bet riddles

    Right I agree.
  3. I

    Bet riddles

    Geeeez, bro chill the fuck out. No fotunately I dont know anyone named the devil. Have you met that individual? was he real buff? do you think you could take him?Lol Is that what you'd bet? Man, why not start with your house and work your way down from there. So you'd bet it all huh, there is...
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    Bet riddles

    naaah, they are all standard nails identical to each other and the guy cliams he can balance nine of them on one. What do you all think? Would you bet him?
  5. I

    Mustang or Camaro

    Lol, you know what after I posts that I went and read all the posts again and I thought someone posted a 66 camaro but that was on another board. Camaro was chevys answer to the stang. Most recently though the stang and camaro both have puttttered out. They sell them 6 cylinder cumstangs to...
  6. I

    Avitar Information

    Cool thanks I tried to do it and it will have to wait until I have some free time tomorrow. I think I want a hot chick like poopooo. Though, at first I thought he was a chick and I sent a pm trying to hit on the avitar.Lol. Is masturbating to an avitar strange?
  7. I

    Who'd you rather have in the sack, Britany or Christina

    Yeah I agree I'd pick Brit, though I admit I like that dirty christina. Both in front of me I'd dismiss christina and undress brittany
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    Bet riddles

    If someone said they could balance nine nails on the head of one nail would you bet them? :rolleyes: :confused: :mad: I don't know:angry:
  9. I

    In the butt!

    Why? I'm fairly new to injecting to the glute and I must say that it hurts like hell. No, not while doing it, the next day and days to follow. I can't sit properly. Me and my buddy work at the same place and we do our juice together...what I'm trying to say, when we both sit "gingerly" I...
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    My kid!

    Scorpio, Wish I could of told you this sooner, make sure the kid is in his room playin video games, as soon as she walks in the door grab her hand and bring her to the bedroom, throw her on the bed and dive down! Chow, lick and nibble your way out of troule for the entire lunch hour or half...
  11. I

    How many muscles you work out aday ?

    Go chest bi's Legs Tri's Shoulders abs Back twice as much cardio or calves(should do seperate from regular legs) & traps Nice break from traditional b&b c&t L&s
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    Good Work Bro
  13. I

    how are these prices

    Winny is always kind of expensive. You need three to four shots a week right for 5 or 6 weeks?
  14. I

    Ok lets hear the best places to go w/ a sig other or one nightewr for sex

    As long as she thinks she is talking into the microphone, then it is all
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    blonde joke

    Blondes dont have to be smart they're great lays!
  16. I

    which fictional character would you want?

    Lilu from the fifth element is absolutly georgeous and would be a great lay. Proof, that smaller titties when proportionate to the body are hot!
  17. I

    Avitar Information

    Yeah I'm tired of being boring incredible bulk with no animation. Where can I go for the best avitars and hopefully custoomizable ones so that the BULK CAN BE SEEN AND NOT JUST HEARD!
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    Where do you download them from.
  19. I

    Shipping across border

    Lol, choke exactly what I was thinking more to canada. Seriously, if I am an american citizen living in Canada can Iown and use AS?
  20. I

    Ok lets hear the best places to go w/ a sig other or one nightewr for sex

    Cool bro where are you planning to go? I'm not that familiar with ***, IL nicole tells me there are some strip joints there. Have you two met in person before?