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  1. J

    Cycle under construction

    Thanks for all the input guys. How much of each SARM will I need, and how long can/should i run them. I started a meal plan, and have begun using my fit pal. I have to say I was pretty turned off by the application at first but I'm getting the hang of it and it's actually very useful. Kind of a...
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    Time to grow

    SUBBED!! Good luck with the prep brother. Wishing you a speedy recovery.
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    Z shape backbone

    Normal anabolic steroids have a flat spatial structure. But in a patent filed in 1965, Dutch researchers devote over a hundred pages to describing a group of anabolics with a Z-shaped structure. Regular anabolic steroids are 10-beta, 9-alpha steroids. This means that the tenth carbon atom has a...
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    Quick facts

    What are anabolic steroids?Anabolic-androgenic steroids are synthetic versions of the primary male hormone, testosterone. They produce their effects in many parts of the body, including the muscles, bones, hair follicles, liver, kidneys, blood, immune system, reproductive system and the central...
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    Growth Hormone and T4: Anabolic Synergy Builds Muscle Mass and Burns Fat

    Great read! I haven't used hgh yet, but when I do I will certainly be adding t4 to my protocol. Thanks iron!
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    Long term study on anavar and adolescent burn victims part 2

    Go to: DISCUSSION Advances in burn care over the past several decades have dramatically decreased mortality, [37] leading to multiple challenges in long-term care of the burned victim, ranging from wound healing and hypertrophic scarring to physical disabilities and psychosocial difficulties...
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    Long term study on anavar and adolescent burn victims

    Oxandrolone, an anabolic agent, has been administered for 1 year post burn with beneficial effects in pediatric patients. However, the long-lasting effects of this treatment have not been studied. This single-center prospective trial determined the long-term effects of 1 year of oxandrolone...
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    But we're just meatheads

    Ultimate meathead that's not a meathead, Dolph Lundgren. He has a master's degree in chemical engineering.
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    How to prevent undesirable metabolic conversions of anabolic steroids

    Enzymatic conversions of injected or orally taken anabolic steroids have been described in Chapter 10. In Chapter 11 we have seen how enzymes catalyse the biosynthesis and the metabolism of testosterone and dihydrotestosterone. The most important reaction sites and the relevant types of enzymes...
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    Enzymes are awesome!

    Enzymes are involved in practically all transformations of substances in Nature. They help and control all chemical reactions of carbon compounds in our body. We will see how enzymes are involved in conversions of anabolic steroids. In chapter 11 the biosynthesis of the male (testosterone and...
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    16 Week Test and Dbol Cycle log.

    What got you into dlift competition? I guess where I live it's pretty lame lol. I'm lucky to even have a gym in town
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    Needle Size for Injectable Steroid Cycles. Insulin vs 21-23 Gauge. Backloading

    I think I'd back load before I'd dulled the needle of a slin pin drawing out of a multi dose bottle. Have you ever seen what a needle looks like under a microscope after it penetrates the butyl stopper? I always draw with a fresh needle then switch to a smaller gauge to pin.
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    But we're just meatheads

    Typical steroids user is well-educated and thirty plus, says study Governments are taking a harder line against the use of anabolic steroids – for reasons that don't hold water, say American researchers in a study published a couple of years ago. Steroids users are not young adolescents, but...
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    Vitamin E is good for your balls

    Vitamin E protects testes while taking steroids While on a course of steroids, taking extra vitamin E [upper structural formula shown below] reduces damage caused to the testes. An animal study published 6 years ago in Andrologia by animal scientists from Harran University, Vitamin E...
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    Panic after injecting homebrew

    So you didn't die? Glad to hear buddy, I hope you enjoy your cycle!!
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    Why CLOMID and NOLVA are important

    Case study: hCG restores testosterone production after steroids use That hCG restores the natural production of testosterone in chemical athletes is very very old news. But strange as it may seem, there are hardly any scientific studies in which doctors have given hCG to steroids users. One of...
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    Fear and the beans

    Anabolic steroids encourage the growth of parts of the brain that play a key role in the sensation of fear, psychiatrists at the university of Harvard discovered. This effect may mean that steroids not only make users more fearful and anxious, but also fretful and – in the longer term –...
  18. J

    Sepsis and steroids

    Blood poisoning – sepsis or septicaemia in medical language – is even more dangerous for steroids users than for ordinary mortals who do not use anabolic pharmaceuticals. Researchers at Changhua Christian Hospital in Taiwan published an article on this in Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences...