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  1. V

    Long term effects

    67 straight years of juice, wow! You gotta be up to like a kilo of test a week! You're gonna need an ass transplant. How's the gyno? Peace bro, lol
  2. V

    Liquidex in Canada

    can't you get the stuff here in Canada? Damn those yankees, they always have the good stuff. lol
  3. V

    3rd cycle, mass -please critique

    Ok how about this, test enanthate weeks 1-6 and test prop eod for 7-10 with dbol for weeks 1-4 and fina 5-10. That way it's a true 10 week cycle with the same dosages and I can start clomid immediately after my last shot of fina and test prop. It's basically the same cycle, just more cost...
  4. V

    3rd cycle, mass -please critique

    I'm doing the cycle in a few months, but trying to work out how much I'm going to need to buy. I'm using test enth.400mg/week and eq 400mg/week with winnie at 50mg/day. It's a cutting cycle and so far I've lost @50lbs. Here's the 3rd cycle which I will probably start around October, let me...
  5. V

    Long term effects

    Good day all. Need some info from the vets on here. Who here on MC has been using or has used gear the longest? I mean overall. I'm trying to figure out the long term effects of our favorite pastime. Also, what's the longest someone has been on gear nonstop? I keep hearing that all these...
  6. V

    bulk season questions

    bump please, last time I promise.
  7. V

    bulk season questions

    Sweet Mother of Moses!!!! Chem Evolution, I think you overestimated my exprience with gear. Your input is quite appreciated though. But damn! I'm looking at something more like what BstrongBwell was talking about. Maybe start with deca 1st cycle and eq on 2nd along with the test. Chem, you...
  8. V

    bulk season questions

    Need your help on this one. I'm on my second cycle right now (cutting) and am looking forward to this "offseason." I'm looking to get much bigger and, more importantly, work on my problem areas (arms, delts, calves.) My first cycle (bulking) was 10 weeks of deca (400mg/week,) test enanthate...
  9. V


    A buddy of mine is using this (or thinks he is.) I know nothing about it, I imagine its just fina and parabolan. He's using it every 4 days. Is that correct? Just curious. Thanks. vti-13
  10. V

    training while dieting, in between cycles

    I'm dieting down, with low carbs, hight protein, the whole shebang..But, I haven't started my cutting cycle yet, and won't for a couple of weeks. I'm lifting the same weights (and in some cases more) but my reps have dropped significantly on some exercises. I think it's the low carbs (I've...
  11. V

    when to use winny?

    I'm starting my cutting cycle in a couple of weeks. I got 6 weeks worth of IP winny (50mg/day) to go with my test enanthate and eq, which I will use for 10 weeks. My question is this, should I use the winny in weeks 1-6 or weeks 5-10. I've seen some people using it for like weeks 6-11, right...
  12. V

    lotto picks for 5-27-02

    Yeah, and ya don't stop. Cause it's 1-8-7 on the undercover cop. vti-13 :D
  13. V

    Specialization training

    bump please <!--emo&GG--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt='GG'><!--endemo-->
  14. V

    what is everyones weight right now??

    6'1", 260lbs, bf probably around 15%.  I'm in my second week of dieting down and will start a cutting cycle in about 3 weeks.  Abs starting to show, but I'm far from where I want to be. :D
  15. V

    Specialization training

    Allright guys, I'm starting my cutting cycle (test, eq, winstrol) which is my second overall cycle, next month.  I'm looking at getting down to 230-240lbs at 6'1" with single digit bodyfat.  My first question is: should I start to use techniques like supersetting and giant sets, or should I just...
  16. V

    quad injections

    damn, I could barely walk after quad injections.  The glutes are so much better.  Hard to see what your doing though. vti-13 :D
  17. V

    Lotto picks for 4-29-02

    347 come on baby, daddy needs a new cadillac :D