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  1. slimm

    I AM THE MAN !!

    chi-ga-BANG! chi-ga-BANG! chi-ga-BANG! :D
  2. slimm

    Dallas Cowboy kills 2 in hit & run

    I know...what a tragedy. How does anyone know he was going 110mph though? The witnesses said that he was going over 100mph, but they could have been exaggerating. Not to say what he did was right, though. They should charge him with murder, not manslaughter. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
  3. slimm

    Please critique cycle, first timer...

    One more question, should I go ahead and take nolva to prevent gyno? If so, what dosage? I also want to prevent as much water retention as possible. Any suggestions?
  4. slimm

    Please critique cycle, first timer...

    Good point Sully. I'll up the dosage then, and see if I have enough for 10wk cycle. Thanks!
  5. slimm

    Please critique cycle, first timer...

    Thanks for the responses fellas. I'll see if I can get my hands on some d-bol. Thing is I want be ready for Spring Break (ya'll know what I'm talkin' about) so I hate to wait any longer.
  6. slimm

    Please critique cycle, first timer...

    35mg a day for the first four weeks? If I can't get a hold of some soon (I'm eager to start) how good is my cycle, or should I up the dosage? This is my first cycle and I'm looking for moderate gains. I'm 6'0", 24yrs old, 175lbs. (guess I should have included that in the first post). I'm...
  7. slimm

    Please critique cycle, first timer...

    This will be my first cycle. Hope to gain a good 15-20 lbs. I just ordered some more pins (23gauge), but this is what I have so far: 400mg Test Enenthate (T200) wk (8wks) 300mg Deca (TT) wk (8wks) clomid post cycle nova (pills) in case of gyno Any input? How effective are the nova pills? I...
  8. slimm


    Cowboys fan all the way, so I'm rooting against NFC East teams. Will go with the Raiders ...they were robbed last yr.
  9. slimm

    More crazy Police behavior

  10. slimm

    osama & saddam

    You know dedprez, it's funny you bring this topic up, because I was wonderin' the same thing myself. One minute we're looking for Osama, and all of a sudden we turn our attention to Saddam. I don't understand why Saddam wasn't taken out in '91. Our troops were several miles form Saddam and...