Please critique cycle, first timer...


New member
This will be my first cycle. Hope to gain a good 15-20 lbs. I just ordered some more pins (23gauge), but this is what I have so far:

400mg Test Enenthate (T200) wk (8wks)
300mg Deca (TT) wk (8wks)
clomid post cycle
nova (pills) in case of gyno

Any input? How effective are the nova pills? I understood the liquid is always better, but couldn't get my hands on it. Thanks fellas...
35mg a day for the first four weeks? If I can't get a hold of some soon (I'm eager to start) how good is my cycle, or should I up the dosage? This is my first cycle and I'm looking for moderate gains. I'm 6'0", 24yrs old, 175lbs. (guess I should have included that in the first post). I'm looking to get around 195lbs. Any more advice???

slimm said:
I'm 6'0", 24yrs old, 175lbs. (guess I should have included that in the first post). I'm looking to get around 195lbs. Any more advice???


You beat me to my question...:D I would personally run the test at 500mg and the deca at 400mg, since your a first timer some dbol I think you'd enjoy very much at 35mg ED space out throughout the day. Maybe run some liquidex at .25 ED to help with the water retention and possible sides.

Good Luck & Keep us posted
If you plan on running an 8 week cycle I would use something up front to get things going faster. You can use d-bol like the other guys said, or you might run test propionate for 2 weeks or so. 100mg/every other day.
And eat like its your last day on earth :D

Good luck!
Thanks for the responses fellas. I'll see if I can get my hands on some d-bol. Thing is I want be ready for Spring Break (ya'll know what I'm talkin' about) so I hate to wait any longer.
...keep in mind the gear you are using(tate and deca) dont get "going" for at least a few weeks, so an eight week cycle would not yield as good of gains as 10-12...but like Badger said, if you are doing it for 8 then you would want the dbol or prop up front to get things rolling quicker...
One more question, should I go ahead and take nolva to prevent gyno? If so, what dosage? I also want to prevent as much water retention as possible. Any suggestions?
10 weeks 500 test 400 deca d-bol 35ed for first 4 weeks l-dex .25 ed straight through clomid keep nolva on hand just in case eat like no tomorrow 20 lbs no problem
dude, it's your first cycle, you'll grow like mad of 400test and 300 deca...i'd run it for ten weeks, but if you did get your hands on dbol...i'd only run at 25mg/day.... i grew like a retard off dbol at 25mg/day!! the biggest thing is to not get over aggresive with your doses on your first'll a lot of the higher dosage shit for later... peace
35mg dbol Weeks 1-4 ( if you can get it)
500mg Test Weeks 1-10
400mg Deca Weeks 1-10

You may get some bloat but not as much as you think. If you cant get the L-Dex then just keep nolva on hand and clomid 3 weeks after last injection. I never took that much my first time and had quality gains. First cycle is the best cycle... IMO... Good luck bro....
Bro I did the exact sanme cycle for my first
d-bol 35 mg ed week 1-4
test eth 500mg/week 1-10
deca 400 mg/week 1-10
saw excellent gains, went from 217 to 242 without to much bloat and only lost about 5 lbs after cycle. go for 10 weeks and get the d-bol!!