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  1. Team Flex

    aol im

  2. Team Flex


    Basskiller, I remember when I first started posting on these boards and had very little knowledge about the game. I would read your posts and threads and started learning more and more. Thats why I sent you a PM asking you if I could use some of the info you have wrote. Why because its the...
  3. Team Flex

    Counterfeit Quality Vet?

    You should be ok bro, If you can post a pic it would help.. midwtchamp posted some pretty good ones...
  4. Team Flex

    1 - AD

    Its not a bad product but it made my nutts hurt.... Ouch!!! My strength did increase when I was using it..
  5. Team Flex

    Opinions on which test of these two

    Omna is great but like superman stated you will have to inject more to get best results... Go with the Enanthate. 10-15 pounds shouldnt be a problem to add on... You might wanna go with 800mg of Test since this is your 3rd cycle though...
  6. Team Flex

    Opinions on which test of these two

    Do you have any other cycles under your belt right now? If so what did it consist of?
  7. Team Flex

    Info for my bro!

    I agree with Chem 100% on this one.. On an EQ only cycle you will see gains.. They will be slow and steady but the gains with be there. Its not pointess, but test would be a great addition... Tell him to try and add test at 250mgs or something at least. That way he wont have to worry about...
  8. Team Flex

    BassyPoo Sent Me

    Welcome Rhap!!! ;)
  9. Team Flex

    1st cycle

    You the man Chem.... Always great advice.... :D
  10. Team Flex

    New Here, Nice sight

    Welcome to the board!! :D
  11. Team Flex

    Pictures!!! Check em out

    Look its Fat Bastard!!! bwahahahahhaha :D Welcome to the board...
  12. Team Flex

    1st cycle

    There is some good info here for you from the bro's. This is how I would run the cycle my self. Since its your first cycle. 500mg Test wks 1-8 ( I prefer Test Enanthate) 400mg Deca wks 1-8 Keep your Nolvadex on had in case any gyno symptoms develop. Clomid Therapy Times 3 weeks after last...
  13. Team Flex

    Does EQ supress HPTA a lot???

    If your going with EQ and Primo I dont see much sides at all... Side effects are very rare with EQ. But I always have Nolv on hand just to be on the safe side of every cycle.
  14. Team Flex


    Very well said! :)
  15. Team Flex


    Whut's up Blacktail.... Keep us all posted... My next cycle will be EQL for sure.... Glad to know your getting good results on it...
  16. Team Flex

    It's a boy!

    Tell Sam that Team Flex said hi.... :D Congrats bro!!
  17. Team Flex


    All this talk about EQL makes me want it more and more... I just hope the lab results come back good.... :D
  18. Team Flex

    Info for my bro!

    I love test and women! :D
  19. Team Flex

    T400 EOD!

    Sounds good bro, Bump it up to 400.. You will be glad ya did. Just think, If you bump it up to 400mg's thats more pumps witch mean more cumming... bwahahahahah :D Good luck on that cycle!!