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    be honest doctors are like gods they know when youre lieing, its not a big deal tons of guys get the surgery every buddy got one and he had some big tits, its about the cost of breast implants on the cheap end . Dont lie tell the doc the truth dont worry he wont rat you!! Good luck and...
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    pit bull owners

    I have all of Bob Stevens tapes and would be willing to share them.
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    who here has used slin???

    could you fall asleep after 4 hours?
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    who here has used slin???

    Im going to get my game a little tighter before I jump on it but Im still craving hardcore info on slin, I want to talk to anyone who has used it. Thanks Spankie!
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    mods , vets , and anyone who can help

    me Ive been using since the age 21 im 30 , somtimes ive gone for up to two years almost none stop. Im 6' 243 right now @15% body fat, I plan on adding anti -e and have the post cyle stuff down pat.As for as dosing and me ive gone up in the 2000 mg a week range whith no problems , I get my blood...
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    mods , vets , and anyone who can help

    2 where and when do I add the slin and t3?? when should I stop them? should I use them in a start stop start stop fashion?THanks
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    mods , vets , and anyone who can help

    2 yes im using them together. 15 veiws and only one reply Gee people must not tlike me, I always make nice comments and help where I can when I can . Well thanks chem for youre opinion!
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    mods , vets , and anyone who can help

    Im starting a new cycle and I need some imput. These are the thing im going to use. hgh 4ius (monday-frieday , for 4 mounths.) hum r ( 5-7 in am and 5-7 post workout , only on training days.) t3 ( from 25 up to 100 mg and then back down.) drol 150 mg a day for 6 weeks. fina 75mg eod for 12...
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    Eating for mass

    you have to eat alot to get big set a eating plan that makes you full to the rim every meal 2g potien ppobw, and about 5oo carbs for youre body weight to start and gradualy increase it . YOu eat evrything add snack like cake and goodies , i know some wont agree whith that but if you want to...
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    water consumption

    h20 as body builders we eat and drink so much so in this game you will piss and shit way more than the regular people will, and thats a fact
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    ME I do the 80z for set of 6 perfect form incline style.
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    Now that I am not lying on my death bed here comes the new cycle!!!

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    Congrats to MC's 2 new mods: Basskiller and Chemripped

    ive seen alot of the post both of you have made and I like them ! Its good to have guys like these to ask ??? to cause yes they know there shit!Good luck fellas
  14. S

    Which would you use

    I dont like ttokkyo test any of it go whith the ara , but first do a search on the many boards and find out which lot ## are fake or bad then ask the source for the ## and you know the rest.
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    hair or no hair

    2cc I shaved and it is a pain I have a girl and she helped but as you now when you use juice the hair grows in a bit faster and it becomes a pain im whith basskiller on this one, if you compete or are in the singles sceene sure why not other wise why put youreself through the hassle?
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    blast off

    I was going to give it a break but im not , so I need some help.Bulking cycle a bombs( cause they never let me down.) Fina 75mg w eq 200mg to ease pain sust 250 8 weeks up then down, I like to go high 1500-2000 mg in the begining...
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    SouthBeach Hotels/Clubs

    2 Go to exotic car rentals south beach rent a ferrari, crobar is good, the mix is a good afterhours stay close to the beach for hotels I stay in the cleavlander but its not that nice,if you want the when you go to the clubs if you dont have girls whith you get there early!!!
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    serono export kits

    Im giving it a try soon I would do 4-6 ius a day for 4-6 mounths at those prices thats cheap i might stay on year round , when my $$ gets correct.
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    want to make $$

    If you where real good at it ,( im not.) you could construct deit ,juicing,and training routines for people on the boards. Of course you need the owners premision first but im telling you , if you could show before and after photos of the things youre regimins did you make loot!
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    GHB = growth hormone booster???

    2 I was in miami a few years ago doing the club thing and I met a stripper in one of the after hours down there long story short I drank some g she had and I was staying in the cleavlander I laughed my ass off for hours on end and then crashed, some g is more powerful than others in some...