
New member
dude, it doesn't take much for fly's. i saw an ass at golds trying to do them with 80's.... it was almost as bad as watching martha stewarts show. i dunno man, i've done em with 60's...but blah...i get a better pump using 35's...less risk of injury too...
I use around 35 also. If I attempted to use that much weight I would have to have my arms sewed back on after the first rep.:D
200, holy hell, can't imagine seeing that done with any kind of proper form. If you don't use body english, and take the dumbells up and back down in a steady motion, 50lbs is the most I can do.
Re: ME

spankie said:
I do the 80z for set of 6 perfect form incline style.

I am right there with you bro. I do um every week on the incline. 200's would probably tear you arms off at the shoulders though.
i think that presser is talkin about dumbell presses.....just a thought.....no possible way doing flyes with 200lbs!
200lbs flys hmmmmmmm three words for ya....THAT'S FUCKIN GROSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

no need for that shit, well that and I can't do it LOL....shit I can't do 100.

most I've done is 70 and they sucked....usually don't go over 65 but now I usually do cables anyway.

hey presser i can believe it i use 130 lbs for db flyes and would go up but thats the biggest set of db's in the gym. i have tried duct taping more plates but then i keep watching them and hoping the tape holds so for now ill just wait till we get some bigger db's . i ve already asked for them. ( and yes i do them in good form)
shit, don't know what I was thinking...I was thinking of lateral flys and not laying flys. Still 200 sounds pretty sick. Can;t wait to see that video.
Holy shit. I would love to see that. Most I use is 60's and that kills my shoulders. Where is the video.