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  1. C

    TTokkyo Owners Indicted!!!

    Never used the stuff and never will, but labeling it date rape is crazy, we all know alcohol is the biggest date rape drug their is.
  2. C

    blondes, brunettes, or redheads

    I couldn't vote theres no botton for all of the above
  3. C

    Who needs their a$$ kicked
  4. C

    My pellets are dissolved, is there supposed to be gunk at the bottom

    Don't stir it the gunk is the binder, your tren is already in the oil, i love it when someone posts and has no clue.
  5. C

    thoughts on single cyclers

    Like gettin pussy, once isn't enough.
  6. C

    Only on ebay.

    Heres anther one if you want your ass kicked.
  7. C

    my pics

    Very nice mw!
  8. C

    Blood Donation

    If you have used needles before they don't want your blood, respect their rules, i used to donate, but not any more. There game there rules.
  9. C

    dosage myth

    I agree i like small dosages, the gains aren't as large but i don't have to deal with the sides at all. So pound for pound your cheapest bet is low doses.
  10. C


    I'm in the states and i got the thai's for $200 for 1000, but they did in fact come from over seas