dosage myth


New member
Ok on this board and on majority of the other boards when people ask questions about dosage such as for deca, primo, fina, test. they are told a high dosage. from all the people i talk to and from my own personal experience small dosages are a lot better to take. you gain slowly but the gains are solid. for example as everyone says if yu are gonna do primo dont do less then 400mgs a week. i have seen guys explode by just doing 200mg of primo along with 300mgs of deca/week. So all the newcatzzz out there dont abuse the juice take moderate dosages for 10-12 weeks and take mild drugs like winny, ana for the last five weeks which will help u keep your gains.

for bulking cycle eat like a mofo and while on a little juice and u will get big. remeber the steroids wont work if your diet is not good.

All the experienced BB's and vets please add your opinions to it.
I am a also believer in low dosages to start out. No one should ever start off at a gram of test EW. Moderate dosages for a first, second, or even third time user would be efficient enough. I don't know why people would want to waste their dough if their body would react positively to small dosages, producing above moderate gains. It is always better to crawl before running. You need to learn one before the other. In AAS usage it is best to see how your body reacts to different chemicals so you know how to properly dose it.

just my .02
winnie said:
In AAS usage it is best to see how your body reacts to different chemicals so you know how to properly dose it.

That's some of the most sound advice ever given out on any board.
Totally agree madchem, too many people use anabolics as a crutch. They are not growing so they just up to dosage. I think diet is the most important factor. Can't build a house without the bricks and cement. You can have all the workers you want and without the raw material house won't be built any faster! Good post.
thanx tomsights. every newbie should definilty read this post
remember if u gain your muscle slowly the more solid your gains are gonna be.
good post

...everyone is right on, but remember some peoples goals are different and therefor their "approaches" will sometimes reflect that...everyone is different...
What if you just like to inject yourself?
J/K bro, I still f-n hate injecting. I guess it'll shake by about 6 more years of cycling. Believe it or not, I've read what you wrote a million times, in articles, stories, threads etc. I guess this time it really sank in. I may try to decrease the dosage on the deca and sust by @ 100 mg /wk. Who knows, it may work just as well and save me enough dough for some fun stuff next cycle.
Thanks man.
average rule of thumb for DECA to achieve maximum results is 2mg's per body weight.You can use this theory for test as well. IMO results are usally achiece with test at 300 to 400mg's and DECA at LEAST 300mg's.Most people reccomend 500 to 600 test and 400 to 500 deca.

for a first cycle:
I like Test at 400mg's a week
and Deca at 300mg's a week
and maybe D-bol at 20mg's a day for first 4 weeks.....everyone is different...I have yet to see someone dramitically increase in size with 200mg's a week of test,However gains have been made on that amount.
Re: good post

sully said:
...everyone is right on, but remember some peoples goals are different and therefor their "approaches" will sometimes reflect that...everyone is different...

thanx bro , and yes you are correct that it depends on your goals. even though i think this way i still abuse the dosages sometimes. or atleast i think about abusing them. but u know from know on i am gonna eat crazy while bulking and get big on small amounts of juice.
i totally disagree.. i think there are WAY too many factors here.. first off, the persons starting weight is a big influence on how much they will gain. obviously someone that weighs 220 will need more than someone that is 160.. for my first cycle (it was TERRIBLE) i did 200mg t200/200mg deca.. 2 friends did it with me. i gained 12lbs and had much better dieting and training techniques.. they both gained around 18lbs. the only reasoning that i can think of is that i started out 40lbs heavier. im 235lbs right now.. if i got on 200mg primo and 200mg deca per wk id probably put on 5lbs..
Guys, what baffles me is if you read the label on Vet gear, the doses are super low. EQuipoise, label says something like, if I can remember, 2-4 cc's once every 3-4 weeks. BB's take more than that a day. So what does that mean?
TomESights said:
Guys, what baffles me is if you read the label on Vet gear, the doses are super low. EQuipoise, label says something like, if I can remember, 2-4 cc's once every 3-4 weeks. BB's take more than that a day. So what does that mean?

because bro those drugs are made for little cats and dogs.
Chemical Evolution said:
Muscular Development had an artical in last month that descused "why Roids dont allways work" page 292. Basicly the point being made was that to raise test/blod levels enough to incease muscle mass you whould have to do (depending on Age bcause of natural test levels) at least 300mg /WEEK FOR MIN RESULTS AND IN THE AREA OF 600MG/WEEK FOR UPTIMUM RESULTS!
But if you got the mag then read it as its a long story to try and simplify here!

i have read that article. it makes a lot of sense but the dosages that they recommend aren't as high as most of us do. i mean 600mg is ok but i know guys some here and some from other boards that bang upto 1.5 grams of test a week. if u add everything up they do about 3 grams of gear a week.
shokjosh456 said:
...I have yet to see someone dramitically increase in size with 200mg's a week of test

For my first cycle, I used 1 cc of Omnadren/wk (250 mg.) for 7 weeks. I went from 229 to 251.
madchem, sorry. I meant for horses. Just dug out a bottle of EQ. "administer .5mg per lb of body weight. How much does a horse weigh? Say 1000 lbs x .5=166mgs every 3 weeks. That is 55mgs of EQ a week for a 1000lb horse. Shit bodybuilders take 400 to 600 a week easily and sometimes alot more. Any expainations on this.
I agree i like small dosages, the gains aren't as large but i don't have to deal with the sides at all. So pound for pound your cheapest bet is low doses.
yes its possible

goldenear said:

For my first cycle, I used 1 cc of Omnadren/wk (250 mg.) for 7 weeks. I went from 229 to 251.

but when you look at the ratio or what has given most results,its from higher doses.I hardly see anybody on any fitness boards stating "Hey guys, I gained 30Lbs of SOLID MUSCLE on just 200 mg's a week.Its just rare. Like I said before...studies have shown that 1 shot sust every 7 days can produce results...but in how many people?2 out of 10 maybe.And remember,weight is not always the benifacter in seeing gains. BF% ratio is best way to truly see accurate gains.I gained 34 lbs on my first cycle but maybe about 12lbs was muscle. I blew up like a bitch....everybody is different
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