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  1. C

    taking clen during a bulking cycle

    I have nolvadex on hand and i eat fairly well except for thoes few little binges i go i just also have some clen on hand and didnt know if it was worth adding in ......this isnt my first cycle and i have been around for a while so i know all about the clomid and hcg (which i also...
  2. C

    taking clen during a bulking cycle

    do u think it would hinder any mass gains or do u think it would just help to make them more solid also...i would rather have solid gains that i will keep even if i dont put on as much weight...
  3. C

    taking clen during a bulking cycle

    hey fellas....just wondering if there would be any advantage to useing clen during a bulking cycle.???  or would it be best to use at the end of the cycle... right now im on a cycle that looks like this.. sunday.....1cc  T400        1cc  deca300 wed.....1cc  200mg/ml cyp     1cc deca300 now...
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    Lotto picks for 4-29-02

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    Weekly Lottery

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    How much do ya'll

    i currently weigh in around 214lbs...looking to grow soon in the future.....hopeing to get in around 230lbs
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    clen for women

    thanks for your help....that should get it going for now...appriciate the help from everyone....
  8. C

    clen for women

    thanks for your help....that should get it going for now...appriciate the help from everyone....
  9. C

    clen for women

    Hey guys.....looking for a little advice wife is having a hard time getting rid of some baby fat that she has had on for 10 months now....she uses the tread mill and does a few other exercises also....she doesnt use any supplements and we were wondering how clen might help her...
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    clen for women

    Hey guys.....looking for a little advice wife is having a hard time getting rid of some baby fat that she has had on for 10 months now....she uses the tread mill and does a few other exercises also....she doesnt use any supplements and we were wondering how clen might help her...
  11. C

    Muscle chem..T's

    Just wondering when you will have some more in????<!--emo&?.--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt='?.'><!--endemo-->...also how about some tanks???? <!--emo&+=--><img...
  12. C

    Did my t shirt order make it???

    Large...LOL .....i would have to hang it on my wall...if you have an XL then i would be interested... :D
  13. C

    Did my t shirt order make it???

    Hey i was just wondering if my tshirt order made it in....i followed the instructions and ordered 2 of them and havent got an email back yet conf. my order....with payment instructions of course.....did i not put something in there that i needed too...or am i rushing things....i placed it...
  14. C

    getting to the end..

    how about the EQ injections...i have read many different things..can u do 2 injection a week at 200 mg each  <!--emo&?.--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt='?.'><!--endemo-->
  15. C

    getting to the end..

    Hey into my 7th week of my bulk cycle....Test cyp 400mg/week...deca 300mg/week and im going to bridge with primo 200mg/week for 5 weeks to go into a cut 5'8" and 215lbs at the moment....BF is around 17% maybe a little less..oh yea my bulk cycle is going for 10
  16. C


    I put my back out once and went to one....i had to go back to him a few times but it was like a miracle....i could hardley walk because of the pain when i went there and when i left i felt great...after a couple more visits i was like new and havent had a problem since