clen for women

chewin iron

New member
Hey guys.....looking for a little advice wife is having a hard time getting rid of some baby fat that she has had on for 10 months now....she uses the tread mill and does a few other exercises also....she doesnt use any supplements and we were wondering how clen might help her out....use that 2 weeks on 2 weeks off and Xenedrine or something during the 2 week off period....let me know what u think and is there any sides that she would need to stay away from...shes getting really fed up with it and needs some help....thanks for any info..... :)
My girl takes it once in a while I would say 8 weeks total a year maybe for some reason she did some reasearch and does 4 pills a day for a week and then 6 a day she likes that for some reason hope i helped
clen : it is not a steroid hormone but a beta-2-symphatomimetic.  while it is not a steroid... it can cause a solid, highly qualitative muscle growth which goes hand in hand with a significant strength gain.... not like when on gear but still has an sig. effect... clen, above all, has a strong anti-catabolic effect,,,, means it decreases the rate at which protein is reduced in the muscle cell, consequently causing an enlargement of muscle cells.
another aspect of Clenbuterol is its distinct fat-burning effect. clen burns fat without dieting because it increases the body temperature slightly, forcing the body to burn fat for this process.
sides:  restlessness, palpitations, tremor (involuntary trembling of fingers), headache, increased perspiration, insomnia, possible muscle spasms, increased blood pres-sure, and nausea.
dosing goes as follows
wk 1 clen
wk2  clen
wk3 eca
wk4 eca
wk6 clen
wk7 eca
wk8 eca
wk9 clen
wk10 clen
wk 11 eca
wk12 eca

starting with one 20mcg tab day one.. then upping 1 20mcg tab each day there after until the max dose is reached.. usually shown by the tremor/ shaking of the hands.. note.. even when she begins to retake clen after the 2 wks of eca she will begin at the dose she was consitently taking before. so if she was taking 80 mcg (4tabs) she will begin the 5th wk at that dose..

You're not talking about albuterol, which is what is used in america in the place of clen, are u?

Obviously, clen is not made in the u.s. anymore but albuterol is. It isn't the same in the aspects that you are needing it for (muscle building and weight loss), However it serves its' purpose for asthsma.

Some dealers have tried to sell it as liquid clen though. Don't buy it.

As far as liquid CLENBUTEROL I haven't heard of that.
I didn't ask what the full name for clen is. I was just asking if you know that it is clen in the liquid form or if someone was trying to screw you by selling you albuterol telling you that it is liquid clen since no one has ever heard of liquid clen.
Albuterol as I said before is not the same for the fatburning and muscle building so make sure you see the actual bottle.
And maybe I confused you by saying that clenbuterol isn't made in the US anymore because I didn't say that you can't get it. it pharmaceutical or is it made by an underground lab?  If it is from someone you trust, then I would probably try it.  But if it is from someone you don't know very well, I would stay away from it.  I will try to do a search today to see if I can find any thing out, but I have not heard of it before either.  Good luck, and let us know what you decide.
Ok...I just did a very quick search (at work so I don't have much time..hehe) But this is what I found.

 Ventipulmin syrup, it is clenbuterol hydrochloride.  It is for horses with COPD.  If this is what you have, I have no idea how much you would need to take.  But the web site I found it on is
<!--QuoteBegin--Dezir+April 11 2002,4:36--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Dezir @ April 11 2002,4:36)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><!--QuoteEBegin-->Ok...I just did a very quick search (at work so I don't have much time..hehe) But this is what I found.

 Ventipulmin syrup, it is clenbuterol hydrochloride.  It is for horses with COPD.  If this is what you have, I have no idea how much you would need to take.  But the web site I found it on is[/quote]
Hey Dezir.  Yes, ventipulmin or clenbuterol hydrochloride is exactly what I have.  The guy I got it from gave me what was left of his girlfriend's bottle (she had been taking it for quite a while).  He gave it to me for cheap b/c there's not much left, which is good so I can see how well it works (if at all) without spending a bunch of cash.   He said his girlfriend ripped right up from it.  I forget how much he said to take but it's next to nothing.  200cc's or something?  Does that make sense?  You just put it in a shake or something.  I'm really excited to try it.
Domin8er, sorry I misunderstood you before.
I would double check that dose, it sounds kinda high to me, but maybe its not.  I would assume that you still use it the same way though....2 weeks on and 2 weeks off?  I am very curious about this stuff.  Please keep me/us posted.
The guy recommended 2 days on 1 off for 4 weeks.  I'm not sure if I'm going to do that or 2 weeks on 2 off.  I'm starting Saturday so I better decide.  As for the doses, I'll be sure to double check before I start, but I'm cautious so I'll probably start with even less than he says.
My first day was today and it was sure a kick start from the old ECA. I had pretty much the same reaction as when I first started taking my ECA stack (shakiness, increased heart rate, energy boost, and feeling a little spaced out) but it felt a bit more intense than the ECA. I think it's going to be good.  I decided to go 2 days on, 1 off...taking an ECA on the off days.  I'll do that for 4 weeks and then finish my cutting cycle with 2 weeks just ECA.