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  1. cbbram

    HGH followed by tons of sugar.

    Do you wait a certain amount of time after you pin before you eat? Does it matter?
  2. cbbram

    Trestalone Acetate. On-going review.

    You probably didn't run your AI high enough. Trest aromatizes at a very high rate. Even higher than Dbol. Run Aromasin @ 25mg ed or a lose dose of Letro and this should absolutely minimize any bloat.
  3. cbbram

    Trestolone Acetate FAQ review

    I actually don't mind when my estrogen is a little high. I'm in touch with my feminine side... Lol... I also start eyeballing the chocolate in the checkout line at the supermarket... Ha ha I've never gotten gyno and hope I don't either but I tend to be conservative with my dosages.
  4. cbbram

    Trestolone Acetate FAQ review

    That's probably better idea and something I might try.
  5. cbbram

    Trestolone Acetate FAQ review

    That's a good idea... Don't underestimate the aromatization. I ran it at 50mg ed with Aromasin 25mg eod and I felt like crying for any little thing. I think I'll run Aromasin 25mg ed next run.
  6. cbbram

    Trestolone Acetate FAQ review

    I wouldn't recommend it. Trestolone is very strong compound by itself. You could experiment later on with half dosages as you do stacking orals but you should run it solo or with Test so you know what to expect from it.
  7. cbbram

    IGF-1 LR3

    Thank you...
  8. cbbram

    IGF-1 LR3

    Alrighty then... Thank you.
  9. cbbram

    IGF-1 LR3

    Presser can you please post the link that discusses the most about IGF-1 LR3? I've seen it before but I can't find it. I'm gonna be running it soon and I'm confused about why some people pin it "bilaterally" and more than once a day when it has such a long half life. Seems like it would make...
  10. cbbram

    Trestolone Acetate FAQ review

    My hairline receded about a 1/4 inch and I haven't noticed anything changes since but it's only been 3 months since the cycle.
  11. cbbram

    Trestolone Acetate FAQ review

    My hairline receded some on a 7 week cycle and I don't even consider myself prone to hair loss. The only other compounds I've ever run are Deca and Test. (I have some orals but I was much younger).
  12. cbbram

    Cold Chills from IGF-1 LR3?

    First thing that comes to mind is blood sugar.
  13. cbbram

    HGH and Test

    I'm confused myself honestly. I will get the glucose meter. I decided to stop the HGH and I feel much better. I've also eliminated any extra sugar in my diet that could be causing any problems. I will post my findings with the meter and report back later. I appreciate all the info you just...
  14. cbbram

    Trestolone Acetate FAQ review

    I wanted it (sex) 24/7 and had several erections throughout the day when the "wind blew" in my direction.
  15. cbbram

    Trestolone Acetate FAQ review

    I'd recommend running it solo or with Test first so you can get a feel for the compound. That's what I did... Maybe 2nd time around you could add NPP but you would need Caber or Prami for prolactin control.
  16. cbbram

    Trestolone Acetate FAQ review

    I personally wouldn't run Adex because of the possibility of estrogen rebound later on. You need a suicide inhibitor. I ran Aromasin 25mg eod and occasionally ed and I was still emotional occasionally. I would cry watching TV for no reason or listening to music. I've heard of others using Letro...
  17. cbbram

    Trestolone Acetate FAQ review

    I ran Trestolone Acetate 50mg ed for 7 weeks. I was eating in a 300 calorie deficit and I leaned out nicely. Libido, strength, and well being was through the roof. I ran Test @ 200/wk. Trestolone aromatizes at a very high rate so be prepared to run a hefty dose of Aromasin or low dose Letro.
  18. cbbram

    I'm going to run a log of two cycles with different brands

    I haven't but I've heard nothing but good things about Robo....
  19. cbbram

    HGH and Test

    After doing some research I found out that HGH can make you insulin resistant. I'm not sure if that's the case in my situation but I'm going to take a break for a little while and see if I feel better. I'm currently researching IGF-1 LR3 and I'm wondering if this could help in my situation in...
  20. cbbram

    Election 2016

    One thing I've realized over the last few elections is that Republicans always voice their political views in a very boisterous manner and Democrats keep things to themselves and do their thing in the voting booth.