Trestolone Acetate FAQ review

Please be specific about what you mean by "libido... through the roof". The reason I ask is, I find this term to ne often misused: libido refers to the mental aspect of sex. I.e., thinking about sex. What I'm interested in learning is, what is trestolone's effect on the physical aspect.

To put a point on it, do you mean tjat your dick would get hard when the wind blew?
I wanted it (sex) 24/7 and had several erections throughout the day when the "wind blew" in my direction.
Thanks for the link. I believe I came across your thread while doing research haha. I'm currently planning on using it for 6 weeks in an unconventional way. The first three being alone and the final three being the "beginning" of my actual cycle with test p and npp

hey bro, who is west African member, ? I think I may have asked this before, do you guys share a computer? or is it an old username
Sorry for the confusion, its an old user name. I decided to switch it up as I was away from MC for some time.

hey bro, who is west African member, ? I think I may have asked this before, do you guys share a computer? or is it an old username
If that's the case EMW, then I'm all in?

Yup, me too, that's why I asked! LOL!

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Let me help yes your dick will get hard when the wind blows more than likely it will always be hard sec in the mind 24/7

Your wife and or girlfriend will lock you outta her room and possibly the house [emoji6]

Hence "through the roof "

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My wife is more likely to lock me IN the bedroom! LOL!
Nice , how is it on your hair?
My hairline receded some on a 7 week cycle and I don't even consider myself prone to hair loss. The only other compounds I've ever run are Deca and Test. (I have some orals but I was much younger).
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Did you recover any after you came off? I'm one of two people in the family with a full head of hair after their early-mid 20's and would hate to start losing it now.

My hairline receded some on a 7 week cycle and I don't even consider myself prone to hair loss. The only other compounds I've ever run are Deca and Test. (I have some orals but I was much younger).
Did you recover any after you came off? I'm one of two people in the family with a full head of hair after their early-mid 20's and would hate to start losing it now.
My hairline receded about a 1/4 inch and I haven't noticed anything changes since but it's only been 3 months since the cycle.
I'd be too afraid to try it with Tren Ace. Sounds like an immediate way to lose all your hair and develop gyno overnight haha. If you're up to it tho give it a try and let us know. I'm sure you'll put on mass like you never have before.
Im excited to try this after reading about it! Anyone tried stacking with tren ace?
I wouldn't recommend it. Trestolone is very strong compound by itself. You could experiment later on with half dosages as you do stacking orals but you should run it solo or with Test so you know what to expect from it.
Yeah I will run it with just test the first go. Maybe a little mast to aid the aromatization it's known for.
That's a good idea... Don't underestimate the aromatization. I ran it at 50mg ed with Aromasin 25mg eod and I felt like crying for any little thing. I think I'll run Aromasin 25mg ed next run.
You would consider stacking the 2?

Curious to know what doses you would run?

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I actually don't mind when my estrogen is a little high. I'm in touch with my feminine side... Lol... I also start eyeballing the chocolate in the checkout line at the supermarket... Ha ha

I've never gotten gyno and hope I don't either but I tend to be conservative with my dosages.