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  1. delcapone

    Oral flavoring question.

    I was using everclear Which tastes like ASSSS!! But switched to Bacardi 151 much better ..Even without Flavor, Presser.. The reason I asked is I used Punch Kool-aid 1st Batch and turnrd out Well, 2nd batch I used Orange Cant think of the brand But the orange made my product a bit Jello-like ,so...
  2. delcapone

    Serge Nubret 20 x 20 training method

    Surge is in my top 5 all time B.B.ers Good chest to waiste Ratio, Great Delts...When I first started lifting ,In the Arnold/Sergio Era, I thought Maybe A body like Surges was Attainable, Turns out it was (minus the tiny
  3. delcapone

    Oral flavoring question.

    I've read you need alcohol based flavoring, can anyone give me an example?
  4. delcapone

    Viagra- Powder to Liquid Recipe?

    Just got finished mixing, 1Gr. Powder 10ml Glycerine 7mls Bacardi 151 2mls Hawaiin Punch concentrate. No seperation, I just looked up Women and Viagraseems women get arousal and more sensetive In their genital area so were both gonna try it, Maybe I'm the one that will be walkin funny ,in truth...
  5. delcapone

    Viagra- Powder to Liquid Recipe?

    Ok this is what I've learned, presser was right ,,3gr to 30mls ,Bign was right too thick. Also learned heat glycerin 30sec. Microwave, add powder ,watch it melt, then add Bacardi 151 and Wala. 1st "experiment : 1gr powder, 20ml Glyc./20ml 151.Let you know what happened. If it works well I'll let...
  6. delcapone

    USP oil or USP filtered oil?

    I use USP Pre-Filtered GSO, then when im done mixing, filter again, That may seem like overkill but Im Injecting this into my Body, so theres no such thing as too sterile for me. I know some people Buy GSO at the Grocery store, Whatever floats your boat, But thats not my cup "O" tea.
  7. delcapone

    dbol injection recipe please

    If you think Oral D-bol hits you fast try just 50mgs a day of Inj. Ive been cycling 30yrs and it shocked the hell out of me. I was getting 100mgs/ml but Dude retired, he wouldnt give up his recipe tho.
  8. delcapone

    What is your favorite compound

    Tren-E.. Always used acetate ,2 yrs ago tried Tren E and loved it ,it was the 1st time I gained weight and leaned out at the same time, got strong as a bull too, I acted like one at times also, Unfortunatly
  9. delcapone

    Ganabol Anyone used or heard?

    Back in the Day he was the only game in town, as far as I know one of the 1st powder guys, was Fast and dependable as of last year I read he was draging his feet a bit and getting a bit sloppy, I see he has a new Logo etc. so maybe hes back on track.
  10. delcapone

    Make Anadrol 50mg

    Ive done D-bol oral and Injectable- Big difference in my opinion, You think Oral d-bol works fast... I used to get my Inj. D-bol from a dom. source but he retired, I offered him $, Swore to God that I would'nt give up his Recipe For the smooth 100mg/ml Inj. D-bol -Guess he'll be taking that to...
  11. delcapone

    GnRH, a miracle or a fad?

    I've used both Triptorelin Def. does work, but for me ,I stick with H.C.G. post cycle I normally dont use HCG "on cycle" But depending on what compound and how much on a particular cycle , I now use Trip. its domestic and gets to my front door in a timely manner ,so if I feel the need ,which I...
  12. delcapone

    Crystalized Guaiacol?

    I purchased Guaiacol less than a year ago I had a bit of a scare and had to hide everything in my Little hiding spot in the attic ,it got a bit cold but certainly didnt freeze, When the coast was clear I put everything where it was, a cool dry place, the other day i was taking inventory and...
  13. delcapone

    Dianabol Oral Conversion Recipes. How to make Methandrostenolone powder instructions

    Im gonna give #3 and #4 a try, I dont have my recipe in front of me but I used 10% Guaiacol and not as much BB as yours, I had to Heat before Pinning and After a week I tossed it, My delts were getting Lumpy. I also used straight E.O. which I dont have a problem with. Have you actually brewed...
  14. delcapone

    Boston loyd absolute idiot!!!

    Talk about overkill- Not to mention ruining your organs- See its guys like that who give Roids a bad wrap,
  15. delcapone

    Favorite/Best steroid brand...

    Im sure most of you old timers will remember STERIS, Cypionate 200/ 400mgs a week and you were Beast, they had a lab in Jersey and Arizona, 40$ to 100$ a bottle Depending on who you know, Authorities found out they were selling more out the back door then they were selling Legit. It was nice...
  16. delcapone

    Messed up conversion need help ASAP

    1st of all you said you wanted to make 50 grams at 250 mgs./ml I hope you meant 50mls. 2nd you said you put 50grams of powder in a beaker, thats a shitload of powder Bro. If you DID put 50 grams in a beaker let me know what you added and ill figure out EXACTLY what more you need to add oh, you...
  17. delcapone

    Viagra- Powder to Liquid Recipe?

    Ok ,so I double the Mls, 3gr. powder to 60ml. everclear and make it 50mgs/ml 60ml. units. Thnx Big n and Presser. also Ive made D-bol for other people (p[owder to liquid) and Nolvadex and Clomid for myself, Ive read several places of flavoring you can put in, Orange..etc. what do I add to take...
  18. delcapone

    Viagra- Powder to Liquid Recipe?

    I figured that but how many grams of powder to how many mls of everclear to make 100mg per ml?
  19. delcapone

    Viagra- Powder to Liquid Recipe?

    My buddy has some Viagra powder ,I have a recipe for Most powder to Liquid compounds ,but not that particular compound, I've never had to use V. but I tried some the other weekend, And enjoyed it ...Not as much as My Women did tho.!!;) - - - Updated - - - Woman, not women.. That was in the old...
  20. delcapone

    Recipe for Intramuscular Trest Ace? Home brewing Trestolone acetate (MENT).

    Our new sponsor ,Hardcore Powders carries it ,I'm looking into this compound myself, I thought they were Pro-hormones, which I never had much confidence or urge to try them...Perhaps I must re-think the topic.