Search results

  1. splat

    Powder Weight

    yes they are all might want to try .89 for deca.
  2. splat

    Prop wtf?

    your strength should kick in by the end of the third week, you might see some increase before that.
  3. splat


    i love that site!!!! and thats one of my fav videos!!! :D
  4. splat

    Happy Birthday Stupid Biotch!

    Happy b-day bro!!!!
  5. splat

    The thermogenic properties of hot sauce

    i love daves insanity sauce...its awesome...definately the hottest shit ever!!! i have been using it for years. i think everyone should try it!!!
  6. splat

    welcome splat

    no, definately not gay, pudgy just wishes i was :p
  7. splat

    Test Prop instead of D-Bol...

    sounds like a good decision to me bro
  8. splat


    bump for chem!!!
  9. splat

    Bizarre Stories~

    thats some funny shit
  10. splat

    welcome splat

    restraining orders are just another way of saying I love you :D
  11. splat

    welcome splat

    is that for me pudgy? :) aaaww you shouldnt have
  12. splat

    and you thought AS were expensive

    oh, i gotcha...playin it the safe way ;)
  13. splat

    welcome splat

    thanx for the welcome bro....pudgy is really my secret lover on other boards...he doesnt like to talk about it though.....anyway, looks like a great board with some familar names, and i hope i can help out
  14. splat

    any freaks here ?

    just admit it, you liked it ;)
  15. splat

    and you thought AS were expensive

    damn bro!!!...must be a hefty cycle!!! mind if i ask whats in it?
  16. splat

    whats with this crap ?

    i agree!!!
  17. splat

    Frozen Tren!

    it should still be OK to use but would suggest to put it in a better place so it doesnt freeze again
  18. splat

    any freaks here ?

    pudgy, you board whore...wanna see my tat? ;) ;)