Prop wtf?


Gold Member
Fellas, its my second week on prop. I injected 100 eod the first 3 times, then on my last 2 I've taken 200 eod. I'm also taking 50 mgs of winny ed. How much of a pump should I be expecting from the prop and if so when will i get it? I mean its my first cycle with it but I just figured I would feel a pump by now. Any input? Thanks.
bump on this....i told him that it would take up to two weeks, at least with enthenate and others i know for sure that effects arent felt or dont show for at least that long, I know that prop has a short half life, but when are noticeable gains most often occured? If it is the second week, im assuming today being the start of it....this week should be the week you would possibly start feeling some effects of the compounds
I usually notice that I have taken something 4-5 days in. increased stamina ect, but I really dont see gains untill about 10 days in
tilla is right...i havent noticed any pumps as far as the lifting goes....but i am feeling harder than hell with the winny ......butt we'll see how this one goes
I never really feel "pumps" more when on any kind of test. With prop, the sex drive and such increases in 1-2 weeks and the gains hit in 3-4 weeks. On long esters it takes up to 5 weeks for the gains to kick in.

Some people feel it faster. I tend to take longer.
your strength should kick in by the end of the third week, you might see some increase before that.