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  1. Little BamBam

    Cramps after working out

    yup hydrate like a mofo out of the gym specially if you take pwo or creatine, potassium magneisium and taurine could also play a role but try water first
  2. Little BamBam

    13 Dmaa

    not worth having stim dick. not sure on what products have it anymore i know they are all coming out with new formulas. 1mr noxipro jack3d just a few
  3. Little BamBam

    Boston Lloyd

    this is old:bored: but he looks decent but i would be too if i had all that running through my brown asz. on a positive note atleast hes honest. actually just cocky
  4. Little BamBam

    Friday the 13th This week, Anyone else experience bad shit that day?

    no but now that i read your thread im probably jinxd
  5. Little BamBam

    Zimmerman in Trouble again!

    what lol another oj
  6. Little BamBam

    Gear and cops...

    yup one of the cops that busted me when i was 18 was one of the biggest cops id ever seen and the only case of roid rage ever...coincedence i think not
  7. Little BamBam

    Gear and cops...

    do it like the inmates keep it even closer
  8. Little BamBam

    Dennis Rodman, what a JACKOFF!

    always wanting attention he should try what miley cyrus did instead
  9. Little BamBam

    Big Ramy 5 weeks out Mr. O 2013

    still no calve but lookin like a beast
  10. Little BamBam

    Kai 4 weeks out

    man thats what im talking about he deserves the win but you know how mr o works
  11. Little BamBam

    PreWorkout Puke fest

    Hell yeah only one ive ever had make me puke before i got to the gym was dark rage by mhp then it became a love hate relationship its now my fav prework out lmao along with muscle marinade by purus labs
  12. Little BamBam

    best site for bulk syringes?

    precision pinz is where i get mine
  13. Little BamBam

    When did fat become...

    lol thats some dude at my gym and its other peoples fault for fueling them to think they are big it goes to their heads
  14. Little BamBam

    Kai 5 weeks out

    looking MASSIVE focussing only on the olympia worked great
  15. Little BamBam

    I took a new job!!!

    understandable man goodluck on your new job
  16. Little BamBam

    Got Prescribed Letrozole!

    nice this is rare lol id try that with my doc and id go to the looney bin he is always talking about web md mofos walking into his office lol. tru becareful on letro its great works wonders on gyno. lower the dose as stated that way you dont have a rebound effect and also at high dosages you...
  17. Little BamBam

    If you quit lifting....

    my legs and shoulders go like a balloon but my legs grow back relatively fast. wish it was the case in my shoulders
  18. Little BamBam

    New Addition - TRI-TREN !! (by Mike Arnold)

    I have not tried PSLs tri tren but i have tried it in the past and it is awesome great gains dry grainy look