Got Prescribed Letrozole!


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(MAJOR UPDATE)Got Prescribed Letrozole! Day by Day Story


This is my plain to do and then reverse it when lump is completely gone.

  • days 1-3 take .5mg
  • days 4-6 take 1mg
  • days 7-9 take 1.5mg
  • days 10-12 take 2mg
  • days 13+ take 2.5mg

Day 1 (.5 mg)

Yesterday I went to my campus Dr. and I went in and told the Dr. what the issue was and I have been doing some research about my issue with Gyno. I told him I came across this medicine online called Letrozole and that I have been told by many people that it could help the issue and we discussed it for a little while and I started off with 5 pills which only costed me 6.99. I told the Dr. how I was suppose to take it and he was very interested in it. He told me he would allow me to try it.

Day 2 (.5 mg)

Experiencing drowsiness and little bit of sickness in my stomach. Soreness went away for a short time and then came back toward the end of the day.

Day 3 (.5 mg)

I get another appointment today and it was just so I could get more pills since the prescription the first time was only 5 pills. He gave me a prescription for 30 plus 1 refill that costed $24.99 which I don't know why but I'm not complaining. It's just extra pills if I ever experience the issue again. Also he felt on my nipple again that day and after 3 days of taking it, he was very impressed and had no issue giving me more. I mentioned Nolvadex and he told me lets see how this goes first and we will talk about that another time. I just want to say I'm very pleased with my Dr. I never knew going in there I was actually going to come out with Letro prescription! Surprisingly the doctor was like there going to be around $550 by what my computer says. I told him honestly I could buy them online cheaper if I had to and he said well if you can get it cheaper that he said do it. If they actually cost as much as my computer says but they ended up being a hell of a lot cheaper.

This is the day I started to feel my joints begin to hurt. Sickness still and drowsiness. Soreness went away but soon came back again.

Day 4 (1 mg)

Today I bumped it up to 1mg and I noticed a big different in joints. Tops on hands feel like I'm getting carpet-tunnel and harder to walk up stairs. Later in the day I got a burst of energy that I don't know where it came from but I was running up stairs like I was on crack. I know I need to take it very easy it was just an unusual surprise. Soreness went away for most of the day but came back at the end of the day.

Day 5 (1 mg)

Seems like I have a lot more energy now. Joints seem a little tight but overall feeling pretty good. Hands still hurt but other than that I'm doing good. Soreness in my nipple is gone as we speak. Right one still a tad sore. I all a sudden got very sleepy and pass out for a good 1hr and could not wake up to my alarm.

Day 6 (1 mg)

Had the same issues as day 5 but I passed out for 5 hrs!

Day 7 (1.5 mg)

Just a normal day. Little joint pain but overall day was well.

Day 8 (1.5 mg)

Today was the same as day 7 just got a little sick to my stomach. Still no ed issues.

Day 9 (2.5 mg)

Well I have been cutting the pill up into 4 pieces so technically I have been taking .6 then 1.2 then 1.8 then 2.5 now so I took a full pill today and no pain on my left nipple. My right one still has the pain which has never gone away. The soreness is on the bottom right of my right nipple and I'm starting to wonder if that is something else. The major issue was my left one which seems to have gone away. I will continue taking until 3 days in with a full tab. Then reverse and begin to work my way back off of it. Once done I will need to know when my joints will be okay to start working with heavy weight. As I can see from taking this medication. I have noticed these issues: nausea, joint pain (mainly in hands), drowsiness, emotional, and temper issues.

Kinda lost track but all i know is now I'm working my way back down. 3/4 of a pill. Still no lost in Libido


  • On letro would it be better not to workout or workout light?
  • Can running a track cause problems?
  • When or if I workout light what do you mean by light?
  • Anything you guys recommend on taking while on letro?
  • What issues did you encounter while on this medication?
  • When will I notice ED? (I was told no sex in bed)


I would like to know when I might be able to workout with heavier weights when I stop this medication?
Also day 13th and still can get laid. With no issues



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did he feel your boobs lol thats a cool doc. i told mine the same thing when he suggested surgery but he didnt think it would work even after showing him tons of other people experience i printed off bbing sites

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if it does get better make sure you let him know there is a ramp down the same way or you will have to start it all over. hell mention to him nolvadex 20mg for a week after to make sure everything does level out after ramp down. 5 pills may not be enough and dont wait until you run out
if he is real cool just say hey will you prescribe HRT 200mg test cypianate lol

haha I don't think he will go for that but you never know! I only got 5 pills because of what he pulled up was 30 pills 500+ dollars and also what do you mean by ramp down?

- - - Updated - - -

We need more docs like this, but letro is nasty as fuck. Be careful man.

Tell me your thought on Letro and I will be careful. My doc is really cool.
nice this is rare lol id try that with my doc and id go to the looney bin he is always talking about web md mofos walking into his office lol. tru becareful on letro its great works wonders on gyno. lower the dose as stated that way you dont have a rebound effect and also at high dosages you could dry out and have libido problems. if you know what you are doing people use it to control the bloated effect from gear
the way you dosed up is the same way you dose down otherwise you might have rebound effect and possibly have to do the whole thing over. dont just stop taking it if you been taking 2.5mg a day. if i remember you said your gyno wasnt terrribly bad so you might not have to take it the usual 4 weeks. you got 5 pills at 2.5mg that wouldnt get you past day 10 or up to 2.5mg so if you are not going to be able to get more just take a 1/4 or .625mg the first 4 days, then 1/2 or 1.25mg the next 6 days and the last 2 days ramp back down to 1/4 or .625mg that equals 5 pills and will reduce your gyno but im not sure about the knots

1/4 pill for 4 days= 1 pills
1/2 pill for 6 days = 3 pills
1/4 pill the last 2 days = 1 pill

if its all you can get thats how i would dose it
Letro is very powerful and hard hard hard on the joints. It will destroy your gyno, but if you mess up at the cost of a huge injury. I know plenty of guys who have gotten really bad injuries (the kind that you can't just "push" through) from that stuff. Honestly, I'd rather have a small case of gyno that take it. If I had massive bitch tits, I'd just spring for the surgery instead bc that stuff is so awful.
Letro is very powerful and hard hard hard on the joints. It will destroy your gyno, but if you mess up at the cost of a huge injury. I know plenty of guys who have gotten really bad injuries (the kind that you can't just "push" through) from that stuff. Honestly, I'd rather have a small case of gyno that take it. If I had massive bitch tits, I'd just spring for the surgery instead bc that stuff is so awful.
im glad i did it but he is right dont plan on doing shit in the gym or bedroom for a couple weeks
im glad i did it but he is right dont plan on doing shit in the gym or bedroom for a couple weeks
I got another appointment with him for tomorrow. I'm going to see if he will fill more for me. Let him know the pills were a lot cheaper then expected and see if he will prescribe me.
UPDATE! Letro Prescription!

So I'm sitting in the docs office as I speak and I just got him to get me 30 tabs of Letro. I mentioned nolvadex to him and he said that after I take letro let's see how it is and he may prescribe it for me. I will update and tell you guys how much I payed for it!

UPDATE: Okay so I got it and it only costed me $25 for 30 caps!! Plus 1 refill!
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  • On letro would it be better not to workout or workout light?
  • Can running a track cause problems?
  • When or if I workout light what do you mean by light?
  • Anything you guys recommend on taking while on letro?
  • What issues did you encounter while on this medication?
  • When will I notice ED? (I was told no sex in bed)

  • On letro would it be better not to workout or workout light? i wouldnt do any shoulder exercises. i would really just do light cardio
  • Can running a track cause pr

          • running maybe hard on knees so i would stick to eliptical or something
  • When or if I workout light what do you mean by light? i would just go through motions with extremely light weight maybe 12 reps
  • Anything you guys recommend on taking while on letro? fish oil
  • What issues did you encounter while on this medication? tired and emotional
  • When will I notice ED? (I was told no sex in bed) probably 5-10 days after taking depending on dosage it also takes about 5-10 days to get any kind of labido

  • On letro would it be better not to workout or workout light? i wouldnt do any shoulder exercises. i would really just do light cardio
  • Can running a track cause pr

          • running maybe hard on knees so i would stick to eliptical or something
  • When or if I workout light what do you mean by light? i would just go through motions with extremely light weight maybe 12 reps
  • Anything you guys recommend on taking while on letro? fish oil
  • What issues did you encounter while on this medication? tired and emotional
  • When will I notice ED? (I was told no sex in bed) probably 5-10 days after taking depending on dosage it also takes about 5-10 days to get any kind of labido

I appreciate the feedback a lot. I just don't want any injury's that I can prevent from happening. I will keep you guys posted on how things are going.