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  1. U

    This is a great board but.....

    Thanks wide. Primo sounds cool! Any other suggestions?
  2. U

    how many sets per muscle

    I usually do 9 sets per bodypart - split into 3 per exercise. I totally understand you Josh! If you only do 4 sets per body part and you did 4 exercises you would only be doing 1 set per exercise - Try saying that fast 5 times..... lol
  3. U

    This is a great board but.....

    I posted my goals on another thread. I was just commenting on some reply's I got. :D Anyways I am 5'8" 190 - I want to increase my strength and add some quality muscle. I have trained hard for at leat 5 years. I want to stick with one AAS if possible and I dont want to blow up to quickly. Thanks...
  4. U


    Cool - I can get some nolva - just wasnt sure if i could use it alone for pct. Thanks for clearing that up!:)
  5. U


    Does anyone ever use the chatroom here?
  6. U

    day 3 of creatine load phase

    Creatine never does crap for me! Except cramp me when I play b-ball - I should drink more water but on that crap I do cramp easier - Calves - ouch!
  7. U

    This is a great board but.....

    Hey guys this board is great. I always get a quick answer when I post a question. I have not used AAS but I am looking into it. It seems that most of the people posting are into their ???teenth cycle. I would like some reccomendations for a noob. I really dont want to take 15 different drugs at...
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    Let me get this straight: Nolvadex is used if you see symptoms of gyno. Clomid is used after a cycle to help the boys start producing test. I have had people tell me all you need to use is nolvadex! Just trying to get this straight - I am not using untill I have everything straight! Thanks
  9. U

    One Drug Cycle

    What about just using a test?
  10. U


    ? What in the hell is Liquidex?
  11. U

    One Drug Cycle

    Hi all. What is the best one drug cycle for someone new to aas? I am looking for some quality muscle I can keep. I am not looking to blow up too quickly - strength is my main goal. I am about 5'9" and 190 lbs. Thanks!
  12. U

    EQ only cycle

    Can I make some strength and size gains using 400mg Eq/ Week? I am new to AAS and this is what I have access to. I am looking for strength over size since I am an athlete. I have trained for over 5 years - 5'9 190 lbs. Thanks!
  13. U


    I have never used AAS. I am an athelete that gets tested every 6 months. I have access to EQ - is using this alone worth it. Will I make some strength and size gains? I might be able to get some sustanton 250. Would 400mg/wk for 12 weeks do it with the EQ? Thanks