how many sets per muscle

how many sets can you do without overtraining

  • 3

    Votes: 14 13.9%
  • 4-5

    Votes: 29 28.7%
  • 6-7

    Votes: 15 14.9%
  • 8-9

    Votes: 11 10.9%
  • 10-12

    Votes: 21 20.8%
  • 13+

    Votes: 11 10.9%

  • Total voters
okay are you talkin per muscle group or per exercise, cause i usually do 3-4 sets per exercise. example leg day:
squats 1 warm up, 3 workin
extensions 4 working
leg press 4 working
hamstring curls 4 working
standing calf raises 4 working sets at different angles.
now i know they are not allthe same muscle groups. but i have 12 sets on my quads alone. and for my body size i have pretty big legs compared to all of my friends. what is your guys' take on this?
3 sets PER EXERCISE per body part for me. Usually I do 3 different execise's per body part, depending on how my muscles feel. Legs and back are to exhaustion. I usually crawl up the stairs from my basement, only to hear my wife bitch, "why do you do that to yourself". :rolleyes:
I also love the "why do you do that to yourself" comment. I know alot of guys do 3 sets per exercise, but i bought the book HEAVY DUTY by Mike Mentzer, and i started doin just 1 work set to failure per exercise. Much to my surprise i responded like crazy! While i was dieting for a show i was actually getting leaner and stronger. The shock of that one set to failure was enough to make the stimulation. I think alot of guys do more sets simply because they love being in the gym, and they can't realize when the muscle got the message. Send the message, get out and rest IMO:thumbsup:

I was confused on the poll. Was that sets per exercise or sets total for that muscle. I agree with QBMUSCLE
okay are you talkin per muscle group or per exercise, cause i usually do 3-4 sets per exercise
. 12-13 sets are just about right for a good tear down and complete workout.
I do believe that everyone is a bit confused by this poll.

Amount of different exercises per body part: 3-4
Amount of sets per exercises: 3-4 not including warmups
Total amount of sets per body part: 9-12
On biceps I was doing 40 lbs, 20 reps, 5 sets for a total of 100 reps on each bicep.

But lately I've been trying 25 lbs, 25 reps, 8 sets for a total of 200 reps on each bicep.

and I think I'm actually getting more from the higher reps with lower weight, but my goal is to build size and the rule of thumb that I always hear is higher weight less reps.

what do you think for building size?
I always understood that it was more weight and less reps to build size, but not too far or you get into the realm of powerlifting. I think also IMO that you have to take into account which type of muscle fibers your muscles are mostly made up of. I normally have to lift hard and heavy to get any growth response, so I'm strong, but I don't build size very easily. I figured out that if I reduce the weight just a little, and then work at building up strength from there with a moderate to low number of reps (6-8) that I have more of a size response. I suppose I end up doing 6-7 or 7-8 sets per muscle, which works out to be around 2-3 sets per exercise. It varies depending on how I feel. (Of course being on HR therapy may have something to do with those numbers.)
What makes humans unique is that we are all different and we will react different to certain exercises as well as how we react to certain gear.

By training hardcore for at least 2+ years you will understand your own body and will know what works and what doesn't nothing is set in stone and adjustments must constantly be made to stimulate muscle growth.
cant say it any better than that. its all instincts when your
in the weight room, and intensity. GET BIG OR GO HOME!
heavy reps will give you size and dense, hard muscle. thats what it all about quality muscle.
I usually do 9 sets per bodypart - split into 3 per exercise. I totally understand you Josh! If you only do 4 sets per body part and you did 4 exercises you would only be doing 1 set per exercise - Try saying that fast 5 times..... lol