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  1. F

    HGH Effective dose

    i do 2 iu 5x a week
  2. F

    HGH effective---- SubQ Or IM?

    i do sub-q cause it is easier
  3. F

    Sex problems.... please help.

    are you taking any drugs they can interfier and cause weird things?
  4. F

    How thick do you like your shakes?

    thin for me!!! always use water as well...
  5. F

    How many here do Intervals for Cardio???

    i too think intervial training is great for fat loss...
  6. F

    Informative read on the ill effects of Nolvadex

    interesting got to take the good with the bad
  7. F


    i hear it also works if on a restricted diet onlike the others
  8. F

    a interesting HGH study

  9. F

    Thoughts on myostatin inhibitors and AAS

    from what i hear the myostatin inhibitors dont work in the "real-world" I will try to find the post that gave some research on it.
  10. F

    E-gold, or Western Union payments?

    egold cheaper to use but no probs with either
  11. F

    phosphatidyl choline

    yes would love to know my self
  12. F

    best OTC fat loss stuff....

    eca = ephedra , caffine, and asprin. I love t3 for weight loss and think it is often misunderstood.
  13. F

    what's everyones cutting cycle looking like???

    opps that should read t-3 sorry guys
  14. F

    what's everyones cutting cycle looking like???

    I love T-# for cutting there is nothing better!
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    whats the fastest way to cut body fat%

    thyroid hormone to stimulat your metabalism.
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    Paul Dillet Is A Jackass

    LOL a little roid rage there?
  17. F

    whats the fastest way to cut body fat%

    swimming is good cardio as well as an option. YOur right gypsy that is why t-3 works great for fat loss