Paul Dillet Is A Jackass


New member
I was just reading the new Muscular Development and a new article caught my eye. Paul Dillet is writing all about his experiences with steroids and next month is going ot talk about his contest stacks! His first steroid cycle was 1 anadrol 50 a day for a month I believe. He also mentions doing a stack of Parabolan and Masteron, saying that he was never much for the androgens but stuck to mainly the anabolics. This is really interesting him talking about all of this now i will ACTUALLY read his column! He continues to blab on in the article about how he doesn't NEED lots of steroids and he'd like to see someone else with his muscle mass, tiny joints and tiny waist, OH and i almost forgot perfect skin, lol. Don't get me wrong he is a genetic freak but i really don't respect the guy i mean accusing the IFBB of racism and refering to yourself in 3rd person all the time what a homo. FYI Paul most of the top bodybuilders today are black! Sure you may not NEED lot's of steroids to build your muscles but what have you done with all that potential? Ummmmm nothing! Your posing is disgraceful, and your training, LOL I think Richard Simmons could put you to shame, lol. Ok i'm done with my rant, lol.
it really annoys me when i see stuff like this...i like paul dillet and i totally respect everything he has done.....he is a monster...but i think he is selling out....TOTALLY!!! he doesnt even know what he is doing...he is just chasing the fame...he cant get it on the he gets it there...really annoys me sorry
Well he got a 3million dollar contract from NHF I believe it was for him to do guest posing and what not, but i saw him at the Toronto Pro show and the guy looked like SHIT, he had a booth for people to pay him for autographs and NOT ONE sold, lol.
he;s a sellout. i dont think he;s well respected. he didnthave much of a work ethic when he competed. everything came to him easily. awesome body. weak character.
ahhhh genetics, What a difference they make!! Anyway i do read his column, more out of boredom than anything. Kind of amusing, but other than that i dont put much stock in what he says.
Stop Haten

: I am 21 and a i frequently Workout by Paul Dillets diet and routine
and I bench, 495 squat 900 and deadlift 1100lbs NO JUICE also have (21 INCh)arms so shut weak people and when u lift like me then U can hate


gorillat said:
: I am 21 and a i frequently Workout by Paul Dillets diet and routine
and I bench, 495 squat 900 and deadlift 1100lbs NO JUICE also have (21 INCh)arms so shut weak people and when u lift like me then U can hate



I benched that much in high school, too bad you aren't juicing, you might have been able to say the same.
gorillat said:
: I am 21 and a i frequently Workout by Paul Dillets diet and routine
and I bench, 495 squat 900 and deadlift 1100lbs NO JUICE also have (21 INCh)arms so shut weak people and when u lift like me then U can hate
But until then SHUT UP AND QUIT TALKING S#@TGorillaT

I wasn't even going to respond to this because I know you are lying out your teeth and even if there is that .01% chance you are telling it as it is, I personally don't care what anyone else lifts around here. But posts like this piss me off. First, if you are that perfect, what are you doing here? Usually people come to the boards looking for info and to share their knowledge. So what is it that you're looking for? You're going to be the same guy who's going to ask a question about diet and/or a supplement eventhough you are so pefect and already know it all. I mean benching 495 and deadlifting 1100 why waste your time online, you apparently have mastered the art of powerlifting. And BS is right 1100lb. deadlift would be a world record. So if you are 100% behind this dude's training style why don't you promote it or encourage others to try it instead of coming out and insulting everyone. Nice first post buddy! I also DON'T JUICE and I bench 315 squat 455 and deadlift about the same, not afraid to admit it because I'm really not here to impress anyone. I look great and that's all that matters. If you'd like to compare our girlfriends looks though, I bet ya I'd win! You're probably dating a supermodel though too right? Anyways, good luck with your powerlifting...
wow that was the first post hahahaha i guess we will be seeing gorilla at the olympia next year instead of bench he'll be deadlifting for the record on tv. wow i would hit a cycle before that so you can just pick up a car or somethin.
PJT said:
I wasn't even going to respond to this because I know you are lying out your teeth and even if there is that .01% chance you are telling it as it is, I personally don't care what anyone else lifts around here. But posts like this piss me off. First, if you are that perfect, what are you doing here? Usually people come to the boards looking for info and to share their knowledge. So what is it that you're looking for? You're going to be the same guy who's going to ask a question about diet and/or a supplement eventhough you are so pefect and already know it all. I mean benching 495 and deadlifting 1100 why waste your time online, you apparently have mastered the art of powerlifting. And BS is right 1100lb. deadlift would be a world record. So if you are 100% behind this dude's training style why don't you promote it or encourage others to try it instead of coming out and insulting everyone. Nice first post buddy! I also DON'T JUICE and I bench 315 squat 455 and deadlift about the same, not afraid to admit it because I'm really not here to impress anyone. I look great and that's all that matters. If you'd like to compare our girlfriends looks though, I bet ya I'd win! You're probably dating a supermodel though too right? Anyways, good luck with your powerlifting...

Well said!!
Paul Dillet video, sorry i just found this old thread and was curious if others had same impression of the poor guy, as i use to hear him getting bashed constantly back in the day, however, ill bet most young guys havent a fucking clue who he is lol

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