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  1. Blown_SC

    Esters explained

    Nice post... Resources?
  2. Blown_SC

    1st show in 03

    You look real good bro... nice and thick...
  3. Blown_SC

    End of cycle (sort of) pics..

    Nice and thick... PCT it up bro.. keep what you've worked hard for ;)
  4. Blown_SC

    whats your breakfast look like?

    1/2 cup oats, scoop of whey, 2 whole eggs, 5 whites...
  5. Blown_SC

    Biggest Fear about Gear?

    Biggest fear.... side effects due to age....:(
  6. Blown_SC

    Suitable Cardio?

    Made me LOL too bro...:D Try 30-45 mins, at your optimal heart rate....the optimal part is key... Use your stats to figure out what that should be... Go too high, and you will be training your cardiov. system, too lowm and you're wasting your time...;)
  7. Blown_SC

    Fast Food and any Food Nutritional facts

    Nice info....thanks...;)