Suitable Cardio?


I'm looking for the perfect amount of cardio that wont be burning muscle but is high-intesity enough to burn fat or in the least, keep fat off.

Assuming one's diet is in order, and is lifting appropriately, how would you figure this out?
i would start with 20 minutes a day high intensity interval, doing intervals @ 3 1/2 minutes paced, 30 seconds sprint etc....youre body adapts to cardio, so you don't want to start out with a large amount, you may not need it.

start with 20 and work your way up.....

ps~it's done best on an empty stomach, first thing in the am, or last thing before bedtime;)
bullcocky2001 said:
try 30 minutes on a treadmill first thing in the morning at 3.0 or over...anything less would be uncivilized.

This actually made me LOL! Is that from the Charles Barkley deoderant commercial?

Too funny!

So if I'm only going 16-minutes on a 6.0, is that okay? Seems like I'm going too fast, too short - no? I'm tipping the scale at a fairly soft 260lbs right now.
I always thought 3.0-4.0mph for 45min was optimal for fat loss. Won't eat up much muscle and is low enough intensity to burn fat stores.
jaywooly said:
This actually made me LOL! Is that from the Charles Barkley deoderant commercial?

Too funny!

So if I'm only going 16-minutes on a 6.0, is that okay? Seems like I'm going too fast, too short - no? I'm tipping the scale at a fairly soft 260lbs right now.
Made me LOL too bro...:D

Try 30-45 mins, at your optimal heart rate....the optimal part is key...
Use your stats to figure out what that should be...
Go too high, and you will be training your cardiov. system, too lowm and you're wasting your time...;)