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  1. L

    this weeks lotto winner is.........

    Woohoo!!!!!  Too bad I didn't play the real lotto, lol.  Thanks, my bucket of ALA is running low, I needed to get more soon.  This tops off one hell of a weekend, graduated college, got a new car, just need a job and I'll be set <!--emo&:p--><img...
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    Affordable Liquidex

    Originally had a problem and there was some miscommunication but things were worked out to a satisfactory conclusion in the end.
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    long cycles

    I am coming up on week 11 of my cycle and wanted to go for a bit longer. I started off with 100mg/d of suspension and after the 4th week added fina at 75mg/d, at week 6 I cut the dose of the test in half and added 50mg/d of winny and decided to take a break from the test at week 8. I was...
  4. L

    carb cycling

    Could someone break down carb cycling for me in the amount of carbs I should eat on what days. I have always just dropped the carbs almost completely out when trying to lose weight but lately that has been driving me nuts so I am looking for a new approach, thanks.
  5. L

    Synovex kits

    Yup, the process that removes the estradiol also removes the prop ester.  I would definitely remove the estradiol, I am really not prone to gyno and my nipples got sensitve after 7 weeks of it with the estradiol removed and taking .5mg of armidex a day.  When I upped the armi, the soreness did...
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    Synovex kits

    If you don't want to remove the estriol than you can make it just like fina but I would not reccommend that unless you want a pair of boobs to play with.
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    question about syn-H

    I converted into an injectable and attempted to remove the estriol but I don't think all of it got out but most of it did.  I did it for 4 weeks by itself and made pretty good gains.  I then added fina at 75mg/d at week 4 and winny 50mg/d at week 6.  At week 8 I dropped the dose of test from...
  8. L

    Synovex kits

    I made a post Tips and Tricks for converting synovex, do a search for synovex and you should see it.
  9. L

    question about syn-H

    I am in my tenth week now.  I have never had any problems with gyno but my nipples started getting a little sore around week 7 and I uped my armidex dose to 1mg a day and it seemed to get better but I decided to just cut the dose down also just to be safe.  I don't think all of the estriol is...
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    Belly fat

    I am going through the same shit right now.  I have been taking ALA before my meals and doing no carbs along with low calories.  The ALA had me peeing the second darkest color on those ketostix in 3 days and have noticed a big difference since Monday.   I am on fina, winny and a little bit of...
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    Weekly Lottery

  12. L

    MSM, the wonder supplement.....

    <!--QuoteBegin--bigjim33+Mar. 26 2002,07:42--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (bigjim33 @ Mar. 26 2002,07:42)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><!--QuoteEBegin--><!--QuoteBegin--LIBeef+Mar. 26 2002,03:30--></span><table border="0"...
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    MSM, the wonder supplement.....

    Get the powder off of and make your own capsules, it is by far the cheapest way.
  14. L

    Insulin questions

    I was pondering doing insulin after my cycle and was wonder what would be the best way to take it and minimize or better yet completely eliminate any fat gains.  I would take it with an eca but do you think I should just shoot it post workout or 3 times a day?  I also noticed that there are...
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    IP winnie

    It even says on his list that all of his pills must be chewed.
  16. L

    Cut Cycle

    <!--QuoteBegin--Presser+Mar. 18 2002,12:39--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Presser @ Mar. 18 2002,12:39)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><!--QuoteEBegin-->DOESNT REALY LOOK LIKE A CUTTING CYCLE TO ME BRO,NOT TO BE FUNNY OR NUTTIN...