Affordable Liquidex

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BStrongBWell do you think that .50 mgs is too much too take ed through out cycle
cycle is
600 mgs t-200 1-10 wks
400 mgs EQ 1-10 wks
40 mgs d-ball   1-4 wks
50 mgs winny ed  7-12 wks
clomid 13-15 wks

It all depends on how you react to AAS.  If you ever had symptoms of gyno while you were on then .50 or even 1g ED wouldn't be bad.  Now if your a newbie to everything then I would say at those doses you should be fine, maybe even .25mg ED would be efficient enough for you.  It all depends on "your" body.  Most would probably tell you that your golden with ED, but I would personally use .25mg ED using those dosages.

Either way it, just listen to "your" body!!!
thanks winnie this question was for my bro inlaw he's my liquidex guinea pig it's gonna be his first cycle just wanted to make sure he was dosing right. I told his that .25 should be enough unless he started having problems then to up it. Plus I'm a novadex man (for now) just in case. I do well with bloating up then peeling it off and I like the water for my joints.
15 days since my $$ went out and 8 days since it was received in dex.....will keep you updated. Starting to get ancy given most seem to get it in half the time i have waited. ??? is actually 12 once I looked @ the delivery conf.....just wanna start my first cycle.....yeah this makes me ancy >;  But Iknow he will come through because of all the + feedback.
Originally had a problem and there was some miscommunication but things were worked out to a satisfactory conclusion in the end.
Got my liquIDEX today. Whewww I was worried but new liquidex dude got it here.......Almost ready to start  :0

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