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  1. S

    Allergic reaction

    Ive heard of rashes forming from an allergy to it.... fyi
  2. S

    Interesting if nothing else (drinking and weight gain)

    So thats why im getting that gut.... I keep fat below 10 grams a day and all i eat is pasta's n such...... who knew? ;-)
  3. S

    teeth whitening?

    try brushing your teeth 3-4 times a day... extreme nuicence but in all honesty the best way to get those pearly whites!
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    Just Told A Girl Off

    and in reply to you whole post.... crazy bitches can be changed but alot of work is involved and may not be worth the effort...but the sex.....
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    Just Told A Girl Off

    No i did not mean it like that.... i live in jersey and i have a business... I understand you live in NYC and from what i see the slums. I interpret to be projects and my business would do very well over there. PM me for more information PS i live in jersey
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    Just Told A Girl Off

    bill how bout this... instead of rambling on about pointless shit I'll have you work for me.... sound good?
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    t3 or eca?

    When you do decide to use T-3.... make sure you have the will power to stay perfect on diet 3-4 weeks post cycle... the rebound is a pain in the fuckin ass... Ive gained a good amount of fat scince my t-3 cycle cuz i was fed up wit dieting and all that cardio... so if you use it, be prepared for...
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    carbohydrates and fat loss

    taken from Killing The Carbohydrate Myth. by Paul Cribb, B.H.Sci HMS AST Director of Research Do Carbs Interfere with Fat loss? One of the best things about my job with AST is the constant interaction I have with hundreds of drug-free bodybuilders all over the world - you are one...
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    IGF and Carbs--how much?

    bUMP THE FATS UP add in mixed nuts salmon olive oil flax ect..... gimme a break man u old but u aint that old... cardio is obviously hindering gains to the point your taking it... slow down with it.. u wanna do cardio do 20 mins hiit cardio 3x a week.. should be perfect for your bulk!
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    Post Workout Common Sense

    I hear all these theories and so called facts about proper post workout nutrtion to build muscle.... 1-3 pro-carbs , or 20-30 grams protein - 60 grams carbs or any bs like that..... USE A LIL COMMON SENSE PPL PROTEIN SYNTHESIS AND INSULIN SENSITIVITY ARE PEAK POST WORKOUT... WHY NOT FLOOD YOUR...
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    Eq & HUNGER!

    itl take AT LEAST 4-5 weeks to START gains on EQ my man... what u do is simple and known on this board for its excellence... EAT LIKE AN ANIMAL!!!!
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    IGF1 dangers

    the only BAD thing about igf for me PERSONALLY is I eat myself out of house and home when on it.... godamn id be a fatass if it wasnt for the igf but its funny i gained a new peak on my shoulders for localized growth i suppose from my delt shots :-)... been a while scince my cycle but i plan on...
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    IGF1 dangers

    the only BAD thing about igf for me PERSONALLY is I eat myself out of house and home when on it.... godamn id be a fatass if it wasnt for the igf but its funny i gained a new peak on my shoulders for localized growth i suppose from my delt shots :-)... been a while scince my cycle but i plan on...
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    Not gaining much.....WHY?

    bet ul make more gains on my bulk then any cycle of roids with some bullshit eating plan
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    Not gaining much.....WHY?

    yes my food bill was round 50 a week but was well worth it
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    Not gaining much.....WHY?

    bulking lasts for 2-3 months pending so suck it the fuck up boys and put on some fuckin mass!
  17. S

    Not gaining much.....WHY?

    it was along the lines of 400 grams protein.... first off u try eating 5000-6000 calories a day in carbs and fats and watch your asses blow uplike a baloon..... try my 40-20-20 bulk program on 5k cals a day and watch the mass pack on.... as long as your eating correctly you wont turn into...
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    what do you really need for a good diet

    of course spiking your insulin with krispy creams at key times will turn your ass into a house(not good ;-)).. make sure you have lots of fiberous veggies and wholesome grain such as oatmeal,oat bran, sweet potatoe, brown rice, ect... u get the point!