Interesting if nothing else (drinking and weight gain)

Yeah, I can tell you first hand that a couple of years ago I destroyed my physique when I went on a several month binge following separation from my wife. I wasn't depressed by any means, I just become addicted to coming home from work and slamming down glasses of mixed drinks including rum, vodka and bourbon.

I learned my lesson when, after several months of not looking in the mirror, I noticed that all of the solid, quality gains I acquired had been completely eradicated by the mass amounts of alcohol I put into my body and I was reduced to a disgusting blob. I had become too comfortable.

It's easy for a lot of people, me in that catagory, to fall of the wagon, so I always have to be on my toes. Discipline is key, I say that all the time...
I don't drink, but that was a really interesting article--very informative. I didn't know alcohol could do that.
ive had my owm personal experiance with booze. ive always drank sometimes more than others. i used t0o only drink on the weeked and didnt think it mattered. i could never break the 200lb mark. ive been COMPLETLY clean from everything for about 8 months now. noteven on the weekends. i weigh about 215 now. so i know that alcohol has a negative effect even if its only used on the weekend
It also stop protein assimilation, casues dehydration, and many other problems for us BBer's. Its like taking a 2 steps back after taking 1 step forward.
The Alcoholism gene is strong in my family. Half the family gets buzzed or trashed everytime we get together. I don't have a particular addictive personality but do love......and I mean love, alcohol.

Luckily I started working out before I turned 21 or I would be a full fledged alcoholic. I'm irish and got a tolerance too. I rarely drink to get drunk, but when I do I'm amazed at how much I can put down.....just to keep me buzzed. And that's after months of no drinking. Imagine if I did it everyday (also not uncommon in my family)