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  1. J


    denkall hurt like hell and brovel is cheap but decent. do a search for more info.
  2. J

    best way of....

    sounds great! thanks scorpio.
  3. J

    best way of....

    i don't have to make the tren last the whole 10-12 wks. could i maybe bring in the tren later in the cycle?
  4. J

    Hvae you ever wanted to call it quits on training

    i seriously thought about quiting once and only once. then the addiction really became clear, you can never stop. you will never be the same person if you do.
  5. J

    best way of....

    i just ordered a 4g fina kit from researchkits and have enough sust to last for 10-12 wks at 750mgs/wk. this is my fifth cycle and i'm ready to try fina. how should i put this together?
  6. J

    Body Part of the Week: Calves

    great freaking post, i'm a calf fanatic myself.
  7. J

    upcoming cycle ?'s

    dbol 50mg/day 1-6wks 750 sust 1-12wks 600 eq or deca 1-12 wks fina(fina40mg/test susp40mg) undecided on eq or deca and don't exactly know when to run the fina or how long. all input would be much appreciated.:D
  8. J

    you will think i'm lying

    i worked out in a gym down there called "condor gym", these guys were huge. although they have no idea of proportion. they were definitely on gear. i don't think what i saw were fakes, especially since a friend of mines mother owned the pharmacy. i recomend a trip down there to anyone...
  9. J

    you will think i'm lying

    i just got back from mexico city,mx. spent a week down there checking it all out. i went to the pharmacy and asked for anabolics. they had amps of primoteston (test e) for $1.90 U.S., i could'nt believe it! the sust was the same price. deca (organon) was $3.00 U.S. it was a great trip! i...
  10. J

    . New Anabolic Steroids . DAMN, you'll be amazed

    maybe it's not being shown in my area, i havent been able to find it. did it come on today? is it one of those "america undercover" specials?
  11. J

    . New Anabolic Steroids . DAMN, you'll be amazed

    i went to the hbo website and could not find any such program on the tv schedule. are you sure you have your dates and times right? are you sure it's on hbo?
  12. J


    the magazine probably lets him write a column just for the shock value. it's kind of like marylin manson, sensationalism sells.
  13. J

    tornel enanthate??

    decent stuff. can't beat the price. a little underdosed and underfilled. i've used it several times.
  14. J

    does added bodywieght make you snore?

    thanks bigguy292 that's exactly the info i needed.
  15. J

    does added bodywieght make you snore?

    so anybody have any suggestions on how to alleviate the problem?
  16. J

    does added bodywieght make you snore?

    i've gained 12lbs off my last cycle and l've been snoring like crazy. my girlfriend tells me i gasp for air in between snores, it's kind of scary. i went from 190 to 202lbs.
  17. J

    Official Kick Ass Presser Thread

    do your best and good things will happen, good luck.