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    This dude is a bad son of bitch

    Bob Sapp ok finally found a link that works if thats not enough, the true telling of a bad man......he can dance
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    This dude is a bad son of bitch

    this guy isnt much
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    late workouts

    I go to school and work for most of the day and do not get a chance to workout till late a lot of days. Any suggestions for a pre workout pick me up?
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    This dude is a bad son of bitch

    put him in a ring with Bob Sapp then we'll see
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    Question on my Creatine

    Which creatine did you buy? I work at a GNC and what i recommend to those purchasing creatine is to take it immediatly after your workout when your glucose stores are heavily depleated, that includes cardio days and if you didnt know already you should be pounding water.
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    Were not in highschool, we still realize the risk we are taking. Unforntuantly we both are decently sized guys, but arent blessed with the natural size needed to compete and maintain starting positions. Not to mention several of the athletes we are competing against have taken these risks as...
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    What reptile neglected to mention is that his wrestling season wrapped up about 6 weeks ago which will cause anyone to pack on pounds, but i will vouch for him ive seen the gains and i am pretty impressed. keep workin bud and maybe youll give me a match next year.
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    Main ingrediant is green tomatoe extract.....I refuse to sell it, even to those who ask for it
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    Anator p70

    After working at GNC for about a year now i have come to the conclusion that majority of the stuff we peddle is trash. Anator included, I cant tell you how many muscletech returns ive handled since they came out with Gakic and Leukic. I heard somewhere muscletech has actually filed for bankruptcy
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    Muscletech Supps

    So I work for supplement store and Muscletech's Gakic and Leukic is flying off our shelves, so what is that real deal with this stuff. I feel the least I can do for anyone willing to pay our hyped up prices is give them an honest opinion about the product.
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    Ephedra products

    So now that the ban has been lifted in most states when will we be seeing name brand diet pills(cytodyne, muscletech) with Ephedra in them. I've searched the web and haven't turn up much of anything except for some pretty cheap looking brands. Anyone hear anything about the return of these...
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    So Ive run into a little bit of a problem. I come into some serious shoulder issues as far as some real bad inflammation with my lybrium. My team doctor wants to put me on a Medrol Dose Pack, well problem is im currently running 500mg of test ent, 40 mg of dbol, and 200 mg of masteron. From...
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    On cycle diet

    I currently weight 230lbs at 5'10, my bf % if somewhere around 19% i want to get that down to atleast 10%. I upped my cardio a lot i get atleast 2 miles in everyday and lift 4x a week.
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    On cycle diet

    What is a good example of an on cycle diet, i do not want to smooth out to much i am trying to lean up and and build more definition.
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    Propecia and Test

    If someone were to take the hair loss pill propecia and take test does it just cancel everything out or does the propecia still block the dht out still even though there is more testosterone? Is it just a waste to take it while on test? Anyone have experience with propecia while on gear?
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    No Energy

    I have team workouts which mainly consist of olympic lifts squats, cleans, bench, etc those are four required lifts a week, so taking a week off might be hard to do, although spring break is comin up in a few weeks. The other two lifting sessions are hitting things we dont get to during team...
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    No Energy

    Lately I feel like hell. I work out six times a week but lately i have been hitting the wall hard during my lifts and when im not in class or working, im sleeping. I can't figure out what the deal is. Any ideas?
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    Creatine while on cycle

    Taking creatine while on cycle. Any thoughts, experience with, or results?