Search results

  1. J

    lost all motivation....

    It's hard starting working out after an injury. Spring always gets me in the mood !!!!
  2. J

    How's it hanging guys?

    I have to stay in therapy for two years before they will do the final operation. I'm gay by birthright and fabulous because I just am.
  3. J

    What's your ethnic background?

    Who looks like John Depp?
  4. J

    Human Study - Milk

    WOW !!! I must buy a goat.
  5. J

    How's it hanging guys?

    Just thougth I'd drop in and check out your board !!! I'm 5'11 at 170 pounds and currently changing my gender to be female (hopefully soon). My name is Wally but I prefer to be called Wanda to my friends. I've been searching the boards for additional information on how to suppress my...