Human Study - Milk

Thanks Donky, I know what you mean about getting that much down, I'm gonna try whole first. If thats too hard to get down I'll go to 2%, 1%, ect.
Cyphon said:
I chose whole milk............but if you really want optimal results from a milk product get ORGANIC GOATS MILK. More digestible than cows milk. Contains all the neccesary bacteria needed to form colonies of beneficial bacteria in your gut which in turn leads to optimal nutrient absorbtion.

Increased nutrient absorbtion = Greater protien assimilation, better and more steroid molecule conversion, Immune function boost, better and more efficient waste elimination, disease resistance and so on.........The list is too long.

Pastuerized and processed milk eliminates the beneficial bacteria that we were meant to ingest.........but mass production doesnt allow for optimal health.

Properly fermented milk doesnt contain lactose. Properly fermented milk contains galactose which is what we are suppose to ingest and is not intolerable by our bodies.

Ok so I went on and babbled.......but I just get ticked off when I think how food and our health has become a business where our countries economy banks on us being unhealthy.

WOW !!!

I must buy a goat.
i can just picture you walking around throughout the day carrying a 4 gallon bottle of milk, taking swigs all day. or like that one friends episode when joey claims he can drink a whole jug of milk at once, and all of it ends up on the floor.
all joking aside, i am very interested in this though, depending on your results i would even consider submitting this to a nutritionalist, or a proffessor to see if your study could be published.
crazy, today is day 1 it will be posted in the journal section hopefully everyday.

QBMuscle, as luck would have it I'm not working right now, besides here at home, so its not bad getting to the fridge. Days I'm not home I'll have to take a cooler and or stop a many a gas station. I'm trying to drink very steady as not to waste but protein and such.
damm,, thats die hard devotion and serious heart 2 gals a day,, ur going to become a giant walking TIT... but even though i dont drink milk at all i can assure u guys and everyone elsee out there in this world that i would definitly put on my cowboy hat and boots and milk that little dairy cow, personally,, from teh front and the back MOOOOOO Moooo all the way , i am now a firm believer adn a advocate of sick ass MILK:thumbsup:
you'd really be laughing if you knew how bloated my stomach was right now. Still have 1/2 a gallon to go and only got an hour left. Think I'll make some cereal or something. Tomarrow I'll have to switch to 2% and get some friggin chocolate and strawberry flavorings. Think I'm getting a buzz also.
Hopefully i assume you are drinking the milk throughout the day, it would be hard to do it in one seating, a friend of mine did the same thing but he didn't know it was whole milk and we bet him to drink it in an hour, in which he did, but five minutes after he was a fire truck hose, that was some funny shit, the reason why is that whole milk is part of solid food and it does the stomach about the same amount of time with steak dinner or pasta, but it can only process so much at a time, good thing for him when a trash can around just in case....But keep us posted on your progress and good luck bro...
Modizzle, it takes everybit of 24 hours for me to drink two gallons. I have to admire your friend for trying to chug one in an hour, I'd up chuck before it was all down. Oh, well gotta go get another couple friggin glasses............