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    Oxymetholone\Oxymetholone powder formula

    If you are trying to make it stable without crashing use PEG, it's the only way I kept it from crystalizing. It still seperates but you just swirl it around before you draw. Also only make it 50mg/ml any more and it will crash on you.
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    Sylvester Stallone’s pudding lawsuit continues

    I just usually mix 2 cups fat free milk with instant pudding and 4 scoops of protein powder in blender and pour immediatly into four containers in equal amounts and refridgerate. Makes a great middle of the night snack packed with 20+ grams of protein, nice thing is you don't have to drink more...
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    Time b/t sets

    1-2 min on smaller parts and 2-4 min on larger parts, mostly depends on how I feel.
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    Cardio and nutrient timing

    I would at least take in some protien, if you want to burn calories on an empty stomach simply do your cardio when you first wake up.
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    Test Suspension Conversion

    Test base is test base no matter what vehicle you use (water or oil). It is not estered so the release is the same. The oil will take longer to disipate from the site though. Just treat it like synthol lol.....
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    What does everyone currently weigh??

    227lbs at 5'9" and 12%bf
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    IGF 1 compared to HGH

    I have used HGH for only a month due to funds and I gained a little size but I lost two inches off my waist without dieting. Never experienced that kind of fat loss from IGF or T3 for that matter. deffinitly give it a try if you have funds. I am going to run 4IU/day for a year, keep you all posted.
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    Steroid "rage" may be lasting, but reversable...LMAO! More BS!

    I had more rage before the juice, it mellowed me out.
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    Need Help! Reconstituting Lr3 Ba

    BA with your IGF can make it cloudy and sticky, making it hard to get out of the pin, the AA works bro. For now try adding a little bit of BW into the pin before you load the good stuff.
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    Change my routine cause of school?

    When you are younger you do recover faster, but I certianly would not train the same body part twice in a day. If you want to listen to powerlifter Mike you can definitley get stronger but you won't see much in the way of sizeable gains. Kdog's right you grow when you rest not when you train...
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    npp @ 100mg/ml

    It's ok to heat but do not get it too hot, as for your dosing I would do 200mg twice a week or every three days. The results you see will greatly depend on your diet.
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    Drug Testing

    Don't list your juice, if you have high testosterone just say you take tribulus or maybe a penis enhancement..LOL
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    Tren gone cloudy

    Just heat up, 100mg/ml is a bit high for tren. It's bound to seperate at that dose.
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    Who here hates the shots?

    I have been off the gear for about a year now due to scare tissue build up and afraid to get a shot because it hurts so much.
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    Echtomorph workout anyone??

    I never lift light, but some days I'm stronger than others. Stick with hardcore exercises like squats and deadlifts. Eat a lot of food (clean food) and maybe a couple cheat meals a week.
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    IGF Question

    It's not premixed, it's just the powder.
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    IGF Question

    Just ordered 5mg of IGF and it came in one bottle. Can i add 5ml of AA to it and it not go bad?
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    Reforvit HELP!

    Does anyone know how to make reforvit from powder? I just want to make it so I can use it orally (no tabs).
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    Muscle Group one time per week not enough?

    At your age you are prime for putting on alot of size. Just hit heavy basic movements and eat a ton of food, don't forget to do a little cardio for heart health. When I was 16 I weighed 195lbs at 5'8", 48" chest, 25" quads, 20" calves, 32" waist 15.5" arms. I do agree with training calves 2x...
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    Forearm workout with handgrips

    If it's not broke don't fix it. If you are weight training now I would incorperate some forearm movements when you train your biceps. Try doing heavy hammer curls making it a point to use 5lbs more each week. Do reverse curls (always use an easy-curl bar for this as it can strain your tendons)...