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  1. F

    tren/prop mixing

    What I meant is I only used 1/4cc of 2cc tren/prop mix, so I`ll put new 23g pin on the remaining 1-3/4cc and try glutes not quads. Did straight prop in glutes before I was sure how to mix tren/prop in same pin.
  2. F

    tren/prop mixing

    I didnt give it a chance to hurt , just 1/4 cc into a prop/tren shot got a 6 inch rash and burned like hell. I`m gonna change pin and try another spot,maybe just knicked a vein ,been doing just fina since.
  3. F

    tren/prop mixing

    Thanks, It worked well. Is there anything to do the Vet Qual. prop to ease the pain?
  4. F

    tren/prop mixing

    How do i get prop and tren in the same pin without getting one into the other vial , I like to overload the pin then push back into the vial for no waste. Fixer
  5. F

    methylated hormone from lab-corp

    Thanks, I`ll stick to my original plan of 75 eod tren and 150 eod prop and save the methyl1test for a later date after more research. FIXER
  6. F

    methylated hormone from lab-corp

    Can i assume you get 1/2 and a 1-1/2 in. pin with methyl 1 test for either sub q or i.m. shots? Also can methyl1test take the place of prop. as a test when using tren or not, because its a prohormone and can convert to estrogen...
  7. F

    Fina via DMSO

    Yes, BiggerStronger I have liver disease but keep my self healthy so it progresses very slowly,no cure yet and I`m not gonna let it run my life. I kinda think now that the 17aa Orals are what the dr. is talking about and thats not what i`m looking for in hrt, just something to mask what i want...
  8. F

    Fina via DMSO

    I Tried the dmso method thinking it would`nt be as hard on the liver. 8 wks, 3 pellets e.d. for 1st month then 4 for next 4 wks. Been tested 1 yr. ago for test levels to get HRT,dr. says there low but no because test can inflame the liver. But I`m persuing it 1 yr. later and he ok`d it if...
  9. F

    Hats Off to the Musclechemistry Team

    Hey stick it bro. we did.
  10. F

    Important.. Always Source Check

    No doubt,mods will steer you on side of caution.
  11. F

    buyb12 - awesome service!

    Allow about a week to kick in
  12. F

    www.pharma*&^%[email protected]?
