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  1. DecaDent*

    Goodbye my friends

    This place is great and it's going to be hard to keep away, but I need to get my head back straight.Thanks everyone for the well wishes and prayers. Be safe and look after one another. Peace.
  2. DecaDent*

    Goodbye my friends

    I've come to a point in my life where I need to step away from AAS and so I won't be around. As many of you know,my best friend,training partner,and former teammate killed himself last year. It has been devastating to me emotionally and I've struggled as I've watched his family struggle this...
  3. DecaDent*

    Going to start on Equipoise, 1st time, any advice?

    I'd go with either the Test/EQ or the Test/Deca... but not EQ/Deca or Eq/Deca/Test. As far as prices go 250$ for 10cc of EQ is way to much IMO even a small-town gym retail price.
  4. DecaDent*

    Cycle Help, Sust,deca or eq?

    Another vote for EQ
  5. DecaDent*

    Protein is Protein right?

    Interesting post machine99. Bumpin it.
  6. DecaDent*

    Clomid and DHEA ! !

    I use DHEA in post-cycle recovery along with clomid,it helps IMO.
  7. DecaDent*

    Cyber-Solutionz !!!!

    Good point. The only way to be sure of quality researchables,whether pill or liquid, is to deal only with reputable suppliers that manufacture and sell only the highest quality product. And that is exactly what these folks do. These are the ONLY people that I trust 100%, without any...
  8. DecaDent*

    HMB, does it work???

    It's worthless IMO.
  9. DecaDent*


    I'd go ED and up the dose to 1mg,that is the standard Rx dose used and blocks the aromatase conversion of T to E2 by 75-80%. Add some Nolva at 20 mg per day for insurance. Femara/letrozole at 2.5 mg a day will block around 90+% of T to E2 and is a superior product to arimidex for the gyno prone.
  10. DecaDent*

    Cyber-Solutionz !!!!

    Bump for the best! At last, a 100% trustworthy sourse of highest quality researchables. These guys are truly committed to confidential and reliable service, they've earned my trust.
  11. DecaDent*

    Nolvedex, ANY longterm sides??

    Rarely Nolva can effect blood cell and platelet production,lowering their counts so hemmorages as well as anemias have been reported. Keep in mind this is primarily a breast cancer drug so most of the studies and reports are done on women with cancer. Even so,when compared to placebo,the nolva...
  12. DecaDent*

    Are you Hyperhomocysteinemic??

    Folate .....along with B6 + B12 plus antioxidants definetly help. There are people with an inherited form of elevated HC and that is what they are treated with...,otherwise they die early deaths from heart attacks. While all AAS elevate HC levels ,cholesterol is elevated primarily by...
  13. DecaDent*

    Are you Hyperhomocysteinemic??

    Exactly! Elevated levels of Homocysteine(HC) are a "silent" side effect of AAS symptoms until it's to late and...unfortunately it's one of the potentially more fatal and long lasting as the damage done to blood vessels will only worsen with age....premature heart attack,early...
  14. DecaDent*

    Why ORAL glutamine is a complete and utter waste of money

    Good post HB. Whey is a great sourse of glutamine. I agree,adding more than you can absorb isn't practical. The IV studies of amino acids are often misrepresented by supplement companies selling oral versions and claiming equivalency. Reminds me of the Arginine/Ornithine amino acid combo's that...
  15. DecaDent*

    Are you Hyperhomocysteinemic??

    Hers's a study outlining the current theory on how homocystine becomes elevated and why it causes damage to blood vessels. It's notable that the B vitamins : folate ,B6 and B12 all have a protective effect. Another good reason to supplement the B vitamins and antioxidants during a cycle. Heres...
  16. DecaDent*

    Are you Hyperhomocysteinemic??

    High levels of the amino acid Homocysteine have been linked to heart attacks,strokes and blood clots. AAS,especially winstrol,has been linked to elevated cholesterol levels and now there is also a link to elevated Homocysteinine and AAS. Your doctor can get a simple blood test when you have a...
  17. DecaDent*

    DHT Blocker: dutasteride

    Anyone using Proscar or Propecia (both are finasteride) to block DHT (reduces test to DHT conversion to lower risk of baldness and prostate problems associated with elevated DHT levels) might want to consider Avodart(dutasteride) instead. It is a more potent DHT blocker. Heres some info...
  18. DecaDent*


    It's out. I've been using it for about 3 months now. 0.5mg cap once a day. I like it,no sides so far. Much more potent 5 alpha reductase inhibitor (both type 1 and type II) than propecia /proscar the brands of finasteride (only blocks type I)