Ok whats the skinny on Aromasin, im tired of so many conflicting stories

You may have saw my post on this. Going to be starting it Sunday for the 1st time.

Aromasin is a suicide inhibitor of the enzyme aromatise. It destroys aromatise. Thus the body has to start from scratch and make more.

After searching serveral boards the theory on how best to use it (at least the one that made the most sense to me) is to use 25mg ed for the 1st week to destroy aromatise. Then afterwards either use it eod or every third day.

The half-life is about 24 hours but it's effects last longer. If all (for sake of explanation) of aromatise is destroyed the body has to make more. Thus the production takes time (how long I don't know) but until it makes more there is no need for more aromatise, hence the eod or e3d dosing.
how much more effective is aromasin than letrozole. I know letrozole is far better than arimidex, but how does aromasin compare? I've also read that aromasin permanentaly causes the body to stop producing the aromatase enzyme, which is not something I'd like to do. I want to inhibit or destroy it or its production but I want it to come back when I discontinue use. Maybe I've misunderstood all that I've read on aromasin so if someone could please clear this up for me I'd appreciate it.

My main questions are:
1. How much more effective is it than letrozole?
2. Does your body continue to produce aromatase after you discontinue use as it does w/ arim and let?

Any info is greatly appreciated,,,thanks,,,bigjosh
LA, I think you picked up some bad info, or maybe I just misunderstood what you meant. :)

"It destroys aromatise"

Actually, it simply binds with the aromatase enzyme and inactivates the enzyme. No active enzyme to make the conversion, no estrogen to circulate.

Someone mentioned something about its effects being "irreversible". This is a little funny. However I can understand the misconception. In various studies, aromasin is frequently described as "the irreversible aromatase inhibitor exemestane".

This does not mean its effects are irreversible. It simply means that it irreversibly binds to the aromatase enzyme. The body continually produces more. This is why it is taken every day. :)

As far as how to take it, people above have generally been correct. It is best absorbed after a meal. The dosage is recommended to be 25mg's/day. Studies have been done at .5mg/day up to 800mg/day. It is at 25mg/day that maximal suppression of the aromatase enzyme occurs, and it does so after 3 days usage. The amount of suppression has been shown to be about 98%.

I'm not sure where the EOD or E3D idea came from. It's understandable with something like anastrozole, 2 day half-life or letrozole, 2-4 day half-life but aromasin has only a 24-27 hour half-life and no study has ever been done with anything less than a once a day dose. Considering that it takes 25mg's for 3 consecutive days for full suppression to occur, I would be very reluctant to advise anything less than a daily dosage. For someone on a light cycle it may be possible to experiment with a reduced dosage but still take it every day.

The only negative associated with aromasin usage pertinent to us BB's is the rise in triglycerides.


P.S. The following statement is very debatable: "I know letrozole is far better than arimidex"
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