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  1. O

    weight loss when using?

    Yup, just never much time. Work all day then run home change and off to the gym getting back about 9:00 pm. I am doing cardio 5 days and lifting mixing up different routines. One week doing 6x6 then the next week lightening up and doing 15 reps. Looks like there is more guys on here now. I...
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    onyett IGF LOG

    IGFupdate Hey Get Swole---thanks for thinking of me. I know it has been a long time since I have been on here. I got good gains from just one round of IGF but most of all it came later. Now I am doing lots of cardio to lean out. I am down to 175 with 19% bf. Yup I know it is still a lot but I...
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    muscle spasms and cramps

    Hey guys--are you all bulked by now this time of year? I have a side effect and can't figure out what it is. I have been on EQ 400mg a week and prop 100mg eod for the past 8 weeks. What is strange is I started out with a little cramp and now it has spread all over my body. Aching and cramping...
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    TNA Impact

    Ya---I know what you mean. Some of it is too banged up. We had a stunt man coming to our pain clinic and he is on high dose narcs. I asked hiim and he said they get banged up even though it is choreographed--can't avoid it. They are pretty whacked or jacked up higher than us maybe
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    IGF Penis log...

    Nope he is a TV goon that is how i catch him--ha
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    Pics at 225lbs after cutting

    Great symmetry and development. When is it going on stage?????
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    Eating Clean and Getting Bigger

    Definitely worked for me last year with the tren/test/gh/clean diet. Didn't do the insulin but I got good results.
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    wow awsome legs i'm jealous!!!
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    Hey guy

    I used all my muscles with it but with a slin pin.
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    normals igf log

    My next cycle I will use more of the IGF too. This last one worked good I took it pwo before bed then I slept good. I had a lot of aches in the end though.
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    Hey buddy---there was another AUSSIE on XXL message board name Beezie. I liked his name so much I named my smart orphan cat that name. She is quite a hell raiser!!! Glad to have you around---think i am the only female here, i train like a man and the rest so I may be able to answer some of your...
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    Quinton Rampage Jackson Arrested

    He's a dumb ass, anyway Forest would beat his ass
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    TNA Impact

    I thought some of it is not fake like you say with those high powered moves and jumps they have to take somewhat of a pain on themselves. I saw samoa joe kick bucertee's head into the railings once he propped his limp body in the chair then the blood was everywhere. PPV looked hardcore
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    winny usage questions **HELP**

    Mainly that is for show prep and if you are competing in the fall wait till you are closer around 8 weeks out. It will only help to lean you out more. As MMX said the results are the same I have done both and oral is better as the shot is a kill for pain!!!
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    Drop sets

    Personally, I only do drop sets and super sets when getting ready for a show. It keeps the heartrate up and burns the muscle only value in it for me.
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    IGF Penis log...

    Ya I stuck it right in his peeper after I held him down and found it:lurk:
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    TNA Impact

    Oh --my bubble popped!!! Well he was right but it looks real. Kevan Nash is on there. He I think is from the rock era and Sting too.
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    Can anyone tell me who this is??

    He looks like a male model for a fitness magazine or mens health mag
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    Eating Clean and Getting Bigger

    My last trainer was doing this for shows plus wanting all of to do it. Well it was miserable to say the least and I couldn't function on it. Let me know how you do. My carbs were down under a 100gm per day couldn't lift hardly at all knew I would crash so I left him.