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  1. T

    A small vent

    rottie, fyi, Problem started 6 months ago or so. The hacker, who's 17, started posting very very uninformed questions, and when he was informed of his mistakes, some of which were flames, though most posts to him were cool, he resoponded extremely negatively and angry. He was very...
  2. T

    NYC vs. ECA

    Their are probably a hundred different types of these product on the market now, each with one or two different ingredients. All work relatively well and are effective versus the side effects. Yet, they end up being like a woman, you really have to try several out and find out which one is...
  3. T

    Sex while she's on the rag......

    definitely use a towel or two so the cops have evidence, your dna etc., you can never tell how messy it can get, nor how long you might be up to it that night, and it can get messy as in a big big bulls-eye on the white sheets never stopped me