A small vent

That is very interesting about the floating doody. Good info.
Chesta's already here he is under the new name of Buster. L:eek:ok out for "Solemate" too. he may pop up under that one as well.

Agree with you 100% Rotties.

Just glad that we all found a new place to hang


Problem started 6 months ago or so. The hacker, who's 17, started posting very very uninformed questions, and when he was informed of his mistakes, some of which were flames, though most posts to him were cool, he resoponded extremely negatively and angry. He was very confrontational from day one, resulting in several flaming threads wars.

He calmed down for awhile but then started to make threats again when he was reminded he was not making good decisions.

Then a few times, about 3 months back or so, he did hack the site, messing with all the posts, but only temporarily.

Then it seems he found a source, got his goody's and became angrier as the day got longer.

And the rest you can pretty much guess.

He is a very serious young man. Serious about being angry all the time, thus resulting in spreading the pain he feels inside of himself to others, with no regard to the feelings of others.

It is unfortunate, yet, it is a part of life.

Hoped That Helped
Good Luck