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  1. R

    MuscleChemistry T-shirt Slogan Contest WINNERS!

    Are these by any chance for sale? I used to have a few T-shirts from a few boards, some no longer around. Would love to get one if possible!
  2. R

    MuscleChemistry Mens Shirts On Sale Now! ***CLICK HERE TO BUY***

    Guys, are these still available and are there other payment options?
  3. R

    H.C.G. During Your Steroid Cycle ~VERSUS~ H.C.G. Post Steroid Cycle. BIG DIFFERENCE !!!

    Great thread! For years I was told to only use it for pct...but for a good 6-7yrs I never came iff. I blasted/cruised most of my gear using days...until around 09 when I started using small amounts, 250iu's every 3rd day. Once I started my cycles were all good. Minimal sides if any at all...
  4. R

    Is crossfit gay

    Yes CrossFit as well as vaping are pretty much gay. CrossFit goes hand in hand with cross dressing.
  5. R

    back to the board...but not new to the game.

    evening members.rocco's the name and have been on many a many i've lost count but just remembered this fine board and my o my how this board has grown something fierce lol! i love it! been out of the mix for some personal reasons but making my comeback hopefully for good. btw,anyone...
  6. R

    Plasma Jet results are in...

    i've also tried the superdump,i mean pump,and it did nothing.felt like i took a no-doze or a cup of pump,no intensity,but with bsn i go insane.