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  1. P

    Do you label yourself a Drug Abuser?

    Got onto this subject with the ol' lady too. She smokes an enormous amount of pot to offset the side effects of the SSRI's she's on. She spends more in 1 month than I will in 6 comparitively. It all boiled down to the point that she's afraid of the needle itself and wants me to tell her when I...
  2. P


    Dymatize came out with a formula a few years ago called Z-force. Think it was zinc, magnesium and b6. Also had tribulus and NAC
  3. P

    Muscle= SEX

    I would have to say that within the past 5 months, I've been approached directly by about a half dozen women. Indirectly, that is, someone asking on a freinds behalf- about a dozen times. I was informed a couple weeks ago that I get asked about quite often. I love it, I must be doing something...
  4. P

    Bodybuilding Kitchen Staples (appliances)

    George Foreman grill Crock Pot Coffee Pot
  5. P

    Friday Funnies! Lets start the weekend off right with a little Humor!

    Whats the difference between a French woman and a basketball team? At least the basketball team takes a shower after 4 periods.
  6. P

    Anybody still making Fina

    Component TH is available at around $100 a box Has Tylosin Tartrate in them, however, you can remove the individual Tylan pellet and you're good to go
  7. P

    Congress Wants to Oversee and Get Involved with HGH Testing in NFL. Backwards Country

    States rights Personal freedom VERY limited govt No drug war no NDAA the list goes on... Well worth looking into!!
  8. P

    Congress Wants to Oversee and Get Involved with HGH Testing in NFL. Backwards Country

    They're never invited to the debates. I forget her name, but the green party candidate was protesting this outside where the debates were held. Populist, Greens, Libertarians, etc... The mainstream media steer far and away from "fringe" parties Back to the subject matter at hand, the hearings...
  9. P

    What are you listening to 2012???

    Slayer- World Painted Blood, full album
  10. P

    Cyber-Supplementz Product Reviews. Aqua-Alis, Aqua-Burn, Vi-Aqua, Cyto-Burn, M1-T.

    Was also running MCIGF 100mcg (50/50bilat) daily as well as 250mg test/wk cruise. Was on cyto/eca for 3 weeks and noticed more vascularity in my forearms. As for losing weight, well, I came off cycle in early Oct at 227#. Am now at 213#. Started cyto/eca at beginning of Nov. Thats about as...
  11. P

    Cyber-Supplementz Product Reviews. Aqua-Alis, Aqua-Burn, Vi-Aqua, Cyto-Burn, M1-T.

    Ramping off Cytoburn right now. Ran ECA with it and it made a far better impression than with just ECA alone. I'd like to give it another go in a couple weeks:thumbsup:
  12. P

    What do you like to do other then Bodybuilding???

    Gas up the pickup and go............. Plenty of open roads out here. Getting the @#$^ out of the house!!!! Hunting, spending time with the kid Nothing too exciting, just the way I like it
  13. P

    revalor conversion

    Once you're done rinsing, place the filter with the crystals on a glass surface (baking dish) and let dry overnight. You may want to chop it up a bit occasionally. Sounds like you're on the right track though. After it dries you may see a little yellowing. I'll try to look up the melting point...
  14. P

    Steroid and Drug Legality

    I remember a few years ago that one of the chief proponents of medical mj, Dennis Peron, got caught in a hotel in Utah. Tried to use the script defense but was arrested nonetheless. As for the case altogether, I didn't pay it too much mind, so I don't know the outcome. Always have wondered if I...
  15. P

    revalor conversion

    Bump for an update
  16. P

    revalor conversion

    Plenty of cattle, pig, sheep and bison ranches around here. With that, of course, feed stores- so implants are readily available.
  17. P

    revalor conversion

    Have yet to see anything on Ralgro. Its supposed to stimulate the pituitary to release somatotropin. Active ingredient is Zeranol
  18. P

    revalor conversion

    This may be your culprit May need a couple more coffee filters. When you put your pellets in the HEET to soak overnight, you'll notice a powdery substance at the bottom of the container in the morning. This is what remains of the binders that make up the pellets themselves. You want to filter...
  19. P

    revalor conversion

    'cause we're tryin' to get tren
  20. P

    revalor conversion

    I don't know what the pinkish orange foam is, your guess is as good as mine. Two gallons is a general rule for the rinse but you can use more if you like. As for your concern to e sensitivity, I'm the same way and I run .5mg adex eod. But regarding the conversion, the benzoate ester attached to...